Second Life – The 360 Viewer – Add Image Metadata

Taking 360 images is way easier with the new RC viewer. But, figuring out what to do with the image so you can see it is a serious PITA. I’ll give you HOW TO using Photoshop, which is pretty painless, and several other easy ways to make the image usable as a 360-image. The process works in most of the Adobe tools that allow you to access File Info.

First here is my first snapshot with the new viewer.

sl360 Picture - RAW Image

sl360 Picture – RAW Image

It kinda subtle (not), but you might notice this isn’t displaying as a 360-image. The problem is the metadata Flickr needs to know this is a 360 image. It is missing. The Lab is adding that part of the viewer code now. So, the latest version of the Linden 360-Viewer as I write this is version It stiches the image together for us. But, does not yet add the needed metadata.  Continue reading

Second Life at Flickr

I’m in my ninth year of exploring and playing in Second Life™. There are some things I think are still difficult to accomplish within the Second Life framework. One of those is finding interesting and beautiful places to visit, very much like real life. Another is meeting interesting people and being able to see them… not just look at them or see their ‘hello’ face, but seeing them in moments of their life. iRL that is usually only possible with close friends.

There is the Lab’s Destination Guide, web and in-viewer, and now Places Pages. Plus, a number of ‘travel’ blogs. They show us various places in Second Life. But, they still don’t do Second Life justice and it can be tedious going through those sources.



People… meeting interesting people is not really hard, there just isn’t any simple… fast… easy… ok, lazy way to do it. Well, like real life you can go to clubs and parties and join groups. Like iRL you can participate and meet participating people with similar interests. My point is you have to put out some energy and spend some time iRL or SL.

Flickr provides a bowl of vignettes of places and people. There the challenge is finding people that can see those places and moments and capture them. These are moments from SL. They are only clues to where you may find people or places in SL. But, Flickr is a rich source of people and places hidden by the nature of life and the virtual world  Continue reading

Second Life: Got Talent? Win Money

Another photo contest! 1st prize L$1,000.00. Not bad.


MH❤CONTEST 05-2017

The theme for the contest is: H2O with at least 1 item from the Moustique Heartsdale Marketplace Shop worn.

[su_spoiler title=”Rules”]

  1. Wear at least 1 item from the Moustique Heartsdale Marketplace Shop:
  2. Post in the group:
  3. Name the picture: MH❤CONTEST_052017❤[your name]
  4. You can enter as many pictures as you want, but if you do, only the one with the most faves will be taken into consideration to win a prize; so share as much as possible!
  5. Post-editing is allowed, and even encouraged.

[su_spoiler title=”Prizes”]

1st Prize : 1000 L$ (lindens, to spend anywhere in SL)

2nd Prize: 500 L$ worth refund on your next purchase in the Moustique Heartsdale Marketplace Shop

3rd Prize : 20% refund on your next purchase in the Moustique Heartsdale Marketplace Shop

[su_spoiler title=”When”] The contest run from Saturday 13th May until Sunday 04th June. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Judges”]

  • Moustique Heartsdale (Model/Designer/Photographer)
  • Gem Sabra (Perfectionist)
  • Gillian Easterwood (Model/Photographer)
  • Jo Dewoitine (Model)

The judges will each pick their 3 favorites. In case of ex-aequo the number of faves will determine who wins. [/su_spoiler]

The group’s pictures are here. Not necessarily safe for work… NSFW.

Second Life: Panoramic Cameras

There are now two panoramic cameras we can use for making 360-Images. Everyone has written about Illiastra, Strawberry and Inara did good reviews. The other camera by Lalwende Leakey, I didn’t even know existed. Lalwende contacted me in-world and asked about leaving a comment on my article: Second Life: New Easy 360 Camera Coming.

IOL Panoramic Camera - Oct 2016

IOL Panoramic Camera – Oct 2016

In that article I included videos about making panoramas. My first take on Lalwende’s IOL Camera Panoramic is that it has more abilities for those more into the tech of panoramic photography. I get that from reading the manual. I haven’t tried the camera. Nor have I tried Illiastra. I can’t find Illiastra’s manual any place where I can read it. It is listed as part of the contents in Illiastra’s ad.  Continue reading

Second Life: New Easy 360 Camera Coming

Friday in the Third Party Developer’s Meeting OZ and Troy Linden announced a new feature coming to Second Life™. It is going to be a quick 360 snapshot thing. If you haven’t seen 360 images, click in the image below and drag.

The image was made by Inara Pey, She explains how she made it using the Illiastra Panoramic Camera. (Version 1.3 L$999). See her blog article The Illiastra. Strawberry Singh has also written about making 360 images with Illiastra. I’ve written about the tech here, 360 Image. This is a new tag and it doesn’t pull all my 360 articles, yet.  Continue reading

Best looking…

Massively Overpowered has an article up titled: THE DAILY GRIND: WHICH MMO HAS THE BEST EYECANDY? Readers are contributing screen captures. Surprisingly only a couple of images surpass what we have in Second Life™, at least in my opinion.


I decided to put some of my images from SL up in a comment. From following people on Flickr I know there are people with far nicer images.

Second Life: Windlight Tutorial

Daeberethwen Arbenlow has a 20 minute video (3/27/2016) on controlling your Windlight settings for photography in Second Life. She uses the Firestorm Viewer and the Photo Tools feature it has. Those using the basic Linden viewer can accomplish the same changes to Windlight, just not as easily nor will the video help you learn how to use the Linden viewer, just the Firestorm viewer.

Daeberethwen does a good job of explaining all the settings and what they do. Along with the verbal description is the video example allowing you to see the changes.

Firestorm has the best set of features for photographers and machinigraphers (or is that machinamists?).  Continue reading