Other News
Today, Tuesday, was the Server-Scripting UG meeting with the quarterly music thing with Tukso this quarter.
TP/Crossing Disconnects – Lindens think they have most of the problem handled. They aren’t saying much as they don’t want to influence the bug reporting. I think additional fixes are in Blue Steel, but I don’t have any objective information to say so.
The Le Tigre and Magnum regions have the EEP fixes for legacy viewers… the ones we are using.
SL16B – Second Life’s Birthday Party opens on 20th June and runs to 8th July.
June 24 – This is the last day you can renew at the old rates for Premium Membership. Last Call.
Voice Maintenance – June 19th the Lindens will be pulling maintenance on the voice system. They will start at 8:00 AM SLT. People may have problems while system maintenance is in progress. Watch Grid Status for an announcement of completion. You may need to relog after that to get voice working.
Facebook’s Bitcoin – Facebook is planning to get into the cyber-currency game. Their block-chain coin will be named Libra… free? Does anyone think they are providing a free service from the goodness of their heart? I don’t. The concerns being voiced are based on FB’s history of privacy invasion. Now, they will have access to your spending and earning information. A FB alternative is MeWe.com.
FaceApp – This has recently become is a small thing in SL. It is an app for mobile devices to edit portrait images. It is quite fun. I just wrote a how-to on getting it to run on a PC or Mac: The FaceApp and Second Life
Be Less Like Barbie, More Like Elizabeth Warren – Hamlet has an article where the ‘Should’ people are telling us again what we should do or the world will end. The clueless continue to buy into the decades’ old theme of change the end is near. We’ll all starve when the population goes over 4 billion, the polar bears are going extinct – oops now we have too many, the polar ice caps will be gone by 2013… Quoting NASA 2014 “Sea ice surrounding Antarctica reached a new record high extent this year, covering more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists began a long-term satellite record to map sea ice extent in the late 1970s.” which is when the fear was global cooling, … and Warren is not an American Indian no matter what kind of cheeks she has.
June 27 – Meet the Lindens – This is an event for residents and their opportunity to meet some of the Lindens. It is a Town Hall Q&A type event at SL16B. Participants include Patch Linden (June 24), Oz & April Linden (June 25), Ebbe Linden (June 26), and Xiola & Strawberry Linden (June 27). Map (URL) – In-World (SLURL). All events are at 2:00 PM SLT/PST.
We have a deploy post this week. Thank you, Caleb Linden.
The main channel is to remain on version #, Internal stuff…
No restart on my main channel home region. Last restart 6/7… now eleven days
Blue Steel regions will roll to version #, Internal fixes…. :/ I suspect some more changes for TP/Crossing Disconnects… but we don’t KNOW.
Le Tigre and Magnum will roll to version #, this is the RED MEAT update 🙂
- BUG-226815 [EEP] Since the grid was rolled to yesterday, region Windlight is broken for all legacy viewers
- BUG-226252 [EEP] Please create an internal error code for llReplaceAgentEnvironment() & llSetAgentEnvironment() that distinguishes whether an agent does not have the experience allowed and if the experience is not allowed at their location.
- BUG-225815 [Animesh] – Much needed Animesh specific constants for llGetObjectDetails().
- BUG-226917 EEP Environment, New Sky should default to midday and not 6pm
- Internal Fixes
I understand this release has the Animesh llGetObjectDetails() constants. I haven’t checked.
The main viewer is which is NEW this week. This is the release fixing a Windows NVIDIA problem when exiting Second Life the system video is distorted. I’ve seen complaints in the forum. The previous release was in week #21.
- Bakes On Mesh – – Released week #24.
- EEP – – Released week #23.
- Love Me Render – – – Released week #24.
- Maintenance – – Released week #24.
- Rainbow – – This has been promoted to the main viewer, but is also still on the RC page.
- Second Life Project Legacy Profiles –
Other Viewers
Kokua Releases (NORLV) and 45705 (RLV/FTRLV) for Windows only – NVIDIA bug fix. No update for Mac or Linux. They didn’t have a problem.
CoolVLViewer- 2019-06-15.