Tuesday saw a roll out of a main channel update. This update is the tweaks to the way servers work with the Content Delivery Network. Simon says they didn’t change anything with this update. They just added the ability to make changes more easily. I assume that means they added settings controls to the simulator console.

Server-Scripting UG 2014-48
Next week a new RC package will roll out.
This Thursday 11/27 there will not be a Beta Server User Group meeting. This is due to the US holiday, Thanksgiving.
The main default viewer has updated to 3.7.20-296094. This one was a mandatory update. During the install I got two error messages about ‘Error opening file for writing.’ One was the crash logger (common error) and the other was ssleay32.dll. I had to ignore and retry, respectively, to get past them. The viewer seems to work, so…
This is a modified Benchmark viewer, the one that does away with the GPU Table.
This one also uses ON/enabled as the default for show group titles, so they show in the bubble over your head.
RC & Project Viewers
Attachments Viewer version – Release Notes
Maintenance Viewer version – Release Notes
Pipeline Viewer version – Release Notes
Snowstorm Viewer version – Release Notes
Project Experience Tools Viewer version
Project Managed Marketplace Viewer version – Release Notes
Project OculusRift Viewer version
If you are having problems loading textures, get the Pipeline Viewer and try it. Some people are again turning off HTTP Textures to get better performance. But, that doesn’t work as most think with CDN now in the equation.
I doubt we will see much else happening this week. Most of the people in the US are gearing up for a big family get together. The assumption is most of the Linden Lab staff will be on holiday.