This tutorial is intended for those people using RedPoly kits. But, anyone can learn some basic ideas on how to match skin color. Like starting with changing Windlight to eliminate extraneous color and shadows. (7:40 min)
[youtube L9HRzNfNIQ4]
I usually run my viewers on DEFAULT Windlight or local region settings. So, I haven’t needed to change my Windlight for some time. I had forgotten how few Windlight settings come with the new viewers: 36. The CalWL setting was not in my current viewer.
I have a collection that I usually add in myself, which I haven’t done for some time. To get more settings and learn how to add settings see some of my older articles:
- More Windlight Settings – Where to get some more settings.
- Second Life Clean Install – How to save your Windlight settings. See the section on saving files.
I currently have a collection of 667 sky settings. I show finding the CalWL.xml file in 2010. You can download a copy of CalWL.xml here.
2020 Update: We now have EEP (Enhanced Environment Project) in place of Windlight. You can still collect the pre-EEP Windlight settings, place them in a convenient folder, and import them into EEP. Or find the EEP versions in the SL Marketplace.
The ‘blending socks’ used in the video are socks made with a base skin color on the ankle area that fades to transparent about a quarter of the way toward the top of the sock. The sock starts out with a white tint. To match skin color the tint color is changed until the sock blends in with the leg skin color.
I suppose it is assumed you have the socks because you have purchased a kit. But, you can see the texture in the video. This coloring trick works because the socks and the base textures provided for the feet match. You use a tan base color on the foot and a tan base color sock, or whatever matching pair comes close to your skin color. It is a handy idea for skin color matching. But, that means you have to use the socks and feet that come from the same kit.
The change from color to transparent means there will never be a hard seam where the foot and ankle/leg join. That means you can design shoes without having to have a strap to hide a leg ankle seam.
Using Texture Files
This video is about how to use RedPoly texture files. But, nothing keeps you from using these ideas with your own creations. This should give you some ideas on how to set up your own texture templates.
[youtube DVhrFTj-sgk]
There is some information about blending layers, which could be handy for any use. In general, these tips could speed up your design process.
Faster Mesh Uploading
This video is about how to upload mesh faster. It shows how to use background uploading when you have several meshes to upload. You can use this trick to mostly avoid waiting on a mesh to upload. It also includes a trick to reduce your upload cost.
[youtube efKeqoiy59M]
I am pretty sure the viewer was never intended to work this way. That it does is a plus. But, I suspect you’ll have to be careful about timing. I think RedPoly was being sure the first upload completed before starting the second. So, this is about uploading the mesh while setting up the next upload. It may work to have multiple uploads going at the same time. I’m not sure this process is that multi-threaded. But, I have not taken the time to check it out. Nor am I likely to be fast enough to have a second mesh ready to upload before the previous one finishes.
I hope these ideas help. I appreciated RedPoly telling me about them. I picked up a point or two.