Mesh Deformer Examples
It seems Inara & I are credited in some measure for getting the word out that mesh clothing examples are needed. Oz says a steady stream of examples are coming in now. If you want any say in how the Mesh Deformer works, get your samples to Oz Linden.
Spell Checking
Eventually the Linden SL Viewer will get spell check for chat. There is some user interface feedback to be handled and a couple of fixes. Then it can be merged into the viewer and begin moving through the QA pipe. No telling when the work will be completed.
The dictionaries to be packaged with the spell check are; US and UK English, Spanish Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese.
See STORM-83 – Interactive Spell Checking. Also get a copy of the Spelling Project viewer.
People Search
There is some cleanup work for display names that is incomplete that apparently affects people search. Hopefully the cleanup work make people search better. Until then you may find it works better if you type in a name and click the drop down to search for people.
ADITI Grid Problems
The Server Beta meeting was a little late starting. The ADITI grid was acting up. No one could teleport into Morris. That finally got corrected.
Several of us are still having attachment and inventory problems in ADITI. If your inventory is working, avoid changing passwords. Several started having problems after changing passwords.
Oskar, Maestro, and Coyot Linden are looking at getting the inventory problem fixed… which would be really nice. But, that work would take time away from Pathfinding, so… or they might just get it fixed.
Main Channel
Nothing new since Tuesday. The roll seems to be OK. There will be no roll to the main grid next week (20).
However, there will still be region restarts to allow operating system upgrades. The Debian OS is being upgraded across the SL system. That what the late night down times Tuesdays to Thrusday were all about.
Release Channel
The release channels are running the main channel code this week. The region crossing code caused the crash rates to spike, so the Wednesday roll was stopped and reversed out. They expect to roll the crossing package to the release channels next Wednesday.
Oskar Linden said, “The Region Crossing code that got rolled back has been very tricky for us. It is very complicated and causes lots of tangential issues.”
If you missed it, the llGetAgentList() function rolled to the main grid Tuesday. It went with a bug which causes the function to fail to return the intended values when run within an avatar attachment. The fix is apparently already in QA and is expected to make it to an RC next week or may be the week after.
Region Crossing Problems
Oskar asked that those with region crossing problems note the region and time a problem is experienced. See: Attachments issues on region crossing.
Kelly Linden has fixed a problem they found. It has yet to make it through QA.
Pathfinding Updates
The servers running the Pathfinding code in AGNI get updated about once a week, likely on Fridays.
The Pathfinding servers in ADITI may be updated several times a day. So, the newest code is always in the ADITI grid.
Pathfinding Shockwave
There is a tsunami building off the cost of the mainland. This will affect all of Second Life. Pathfinding introduces the Navmesh. This is an invisible mesh/prim terrain that Pathfinding AI characters walk on or around. It can be made up of existing terrain and prims or special mesh and prims. Users will be able to edit it with the Navmesh tools currently in the Pathfinding Project Viewer. See: PathFinding Update Week 14.
When Pathfinding goes live across the main grid we are likely to see region performance degrade in any region that has not prepared for Pathfinding. It should be only a tiny amount. There are easy fixes and I suspect we’ll have warning before Pathfinding is implemented. But, if you have followed the Lindens for any time you know communication and warnings is not something to count on. I’ll have more information on the coming tsunami in: #SL Pathfinding Update Week 19.
Pathfinding Beta
There is a Pathfinding Beta in progress on the main grid. It is for region owners and Estate Managers. The Lindens are offering to allow 1 more batch of regions into the beta program. If you have a region sensitive to performance, like combat regions, you have a complex decision. Joining the beta gets you trained and prepared for the coming release of Pathfinding. But, the current releases of Pathfinding have lots of debug code, which degrades performance and in some cases can make the region easy to crash.
Contact Lorca Linden or even better: to ask for one of your regions to be added to the beta program. Get a head start.
SVC-7902 – Problem of not being able to rez on my land continues.
SVC-7905 – Cannot rez objects in Linden Home (Chriden region).
SVC-7907 – “Restore to last position”; TPV feature appears broken if you don’t have rez rights at: 0,0,0.
Mæstro Linden speculates, “When you rez a linkset from inventory, it places the center of the linkset at the place you specified. However, parcel rez rules are based on where the root prim is located. So if you drag the linkset on the rezzable parcel, but the root prim would fall on an adjacent parcel that’s set to disallow building, you might see that error.”
He is going to be testing that idea.
There is some weirdness in these JIRA issues. Since I haven’t dug into the JIRA, I won’t try to explain it. This article is already getting long.
Discussion turned to terrain. There is a desire to have better terrain in Second Life. Some are starting to use mesh to replace terrain. But, there are some problems and awkwardness I that choice for now.
Falcon says the Lab currently has no plan to support mesh terrain. We might get better textures for terrain, but that is for some future time.
There has been lots of interesting bits of news making it out. There is actually so much I have been breaking it up into separate articles.