Uru-ite Creates Internet Music Site and Radio Station


New Internet Radio Station

Uru-ite Creates Internet Music Site and Radio Station

Reported as a “New Fun Website to See!” in the Uru community D’ni Refugees Group Notices, Sun Apr 26, 2009. Music Melee Online is now up and running. It is the newest place for musicians, people who like to blog about music, and people who love to hear great new music!

Quoting Thorson Hammerer, “We currently have our internet radio station up and running, playing some great music of all types, but we need more! If you are an artist, we need YOUR music! Sign up and submit your stuff, and possibly make some money in the process! We are also looking for feature music bloggers! We’re looking for you! Come and join us!”


Hunters Club in Mayan Myst

Thorson is a DJ, as well as others, at Hunters Club (Club Siren Group) in Mayan Myst that rocks Monday through Friday with Happy Hour from 5-7pm SL and 7-9pm SL. Prizes (L$ Contests) and surprises galore. Continue reading

Promoting Myst/Uru MOOS

There are only a small number of Second Life members that know what Myst Online or Uru Live, as some call it, is. Even fewer know what MOOS is (Myst Online: Open Source), the coming open source reincarnation of the game. And even fewer Second Life residents know that parts of Uru (the general name of the game land) are being built in Second Life. That is a problem Myst Online has always had. A big challenge for the community is how to get the word out now that the game is set to make a comeback. So how do we let prior fans know the game is in the hands of the fans?


The Great Zero Machine in Second Life

The Great Zero Machine in Second Life

One step is to put the information every place we can. So, there are posts like this one that give some help. Plus we tell people about the game. In some cases like the builds in Second Life, we show them. Yet, is that enough? Continue reading