Direct Delivery 2013-14

April 2nd is here and the Magic Boxes are being phased out. The Commerce Team put a new post up Tuesday. LINK

04-02-2013 10:37 AM

April 2, 2013 has arrived, and we have begun the first phase of Magic Box Shutdown. As of today, Merchants are no longer able to list unlimited-quantity items for L$10 or less using Magic Boxes. By noon PT tomorrow, April 3, 2013, any active, unlimited-quantity listings for L$10 or less using Magic Boxes will be unlisted. Note that the following will still be allowed:

  • Magic Box listings priced at L$11 or higher.
  • All Magic Box listings with limited quantity items, regardless of price.

Note that the second deadline is fast approaching. On April 16th, 2013:

  • Merchants will no longer be able to list unlimited-quantity items using Magic Boxes, regardless of price.
  • Any remaining active, unlimited-quantity listings using Magic Boxes will be unlisted, regardless of price.

For the time being, limited-quantity items can continue to use Magic Boxes and will not be affected. “Limited-quantity” refers to items that the Merchant does not have rights to copy (such as breedable animals that are “no copy” for the seller).

For more information on Direct Delivery and migrating to Direct Delivery, please see the Knowledge Base. If you have questions or problems, please contact customer support for help.

#SL Direct Delivery & Market Place

I used to write regularly about Direct Delivery (DD). But, there just isn’t much known about what the Commerce Team is doing with it. None of the Lindens outside the Commerce Team know whats going on, or they won’t talk about it if they do. So, about all one can say is it sort of works and the Lab is working on it.

Merchants are frustrated. A number of them have gone looking for a better choice. Some have closed up shop. But, no one has built a better market place system. There is certainly a demand for a better market place.

My first article that carried the term Direct Delivery was published in mid April 2011: SL Market Place – Direct Delivery. Direct Delivery was on the verge of starting closed beta. In October of 2011 DD made it into the Le Tigre release channel in the main grid. (#SL Direct Delivery in Testing) In mid January 2012 DD made it to Open Beta testing on the Preview Grid Aditi. (Direct Delivery Beta Post) DD launched in mid March 2012. (Direct Delivery Launches)

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Second Life Direct Delivery ANS Hits

Today an announcement came out that the new Direct Delivery system now has ANS… Automatic Notification System.

Today, Linden Lab launched Automatic Notification System (ANS). ANS allows those Merchants that used Xstreet with the Magic Box Delivery System to confirm that a delivery has completed and send order details in a consistent format to a specified URL.

In order to support ANS with Direct Delivery purchases, we have made ANS available in Merchant Admin under Store setup on the Marketplace web site. Note that the Marketplace version will only support sending data URLs; it will NOT support sending data to inworld objects. For more details on how this system will work, please see this user created content on the wiki.

Before we can retire Magic Boxes, we will need to complete support for limited quantity items (or items that are “no copy” for the merchant).

The Commerce Team (Reference)

The lack of ANS has been a problem for a number of merchants as they change over to Direct Delivery. So, this will be a welcome addition.

In the SL News Week 16 article I covered the roll out to Blue Steel and Le Tigre of a server maintenance package with enhancements for Direct Delivery. With any luck these new changes will make DD more usable and dependable.