SL Blogger Network

The Lab is starting a blogger network. The idea is they will promote blogs that are about Second Life™. They have posted an article introducing the network and a follow-up article with FAQs.

You agree to their terms and conditions when you join the network. So, you sort of agree to comply with the SL community standards and basic SL ToS. No nudity. Basically, any article that appears in their network has to conform to the standards, whether your blog does or not is a separate issue. The Lab is the final arbiter of compliance with these various terms of use.

Just Beyond The Gate

Just Beyond The Gate

They say their initiative is not to influence the blogger’s editorial content. But they get to pick what does and doesn’t appear on their pages. You have no guarantee your articles will appear. It is the Lab’s choice. While that is not explicit or forced influence, they will influence bloggers.

The SL web properties are privately owned, so it is their right to choose what they include. I suspect it won’t take long until the Lab’s San Francisco liberal bias shows through and bloggers learn what is and isn’t acceptable. I doubt we will see any articles critical of the Lab. I also doubt we will see any articles appear that promote Christian or conservative values or anything actually controversial.

Inara Pey is covering the Bloggers’ Network too. She has been involved in helping them get it going. She points out that they may have bitten off more than they can chew. The idea is they will follow all the blogs submitted and pick the articles they like. Currently, there are 100+ bloggers signed up. that seems like a lot of blogs to follow. Technology makes that a minor task. I follow 125+ blogs in my morning reading. It takes about an hour to cover the headlines and check out the fashion pictures.

But I suspect Inara’s point is the reality. That is a lot for the Lab to handle. The result is likely the Lindens will look for a way to improve efficiency and reduce the workload. That usually means they find the sources of rich material they like and stick with those. It is how liberals and conservatives in a world of fake news come up with so many bizarre ideas distanced from reality.

Then there is the matter of how many people read the SL Blog and Forum. I suspect it is only a couple of thousand. Threads commonly have 300 to 600 views. Way popular threads hit 600,000 views, but that is over 2 or more years and most of the views are from a small number of people. ‘How does your avatar look today?’ is a good example.

Second Life News Week #39

General News

Blender 2.80 released a few weeks back. I am waiting for AvaStar to update before seriously trying to use it. And now I see a version 2.81 is planned for release in November 2019.

Blender Nation is doing a series of articles and videos that show the planned new features in 2.81. Look for the Blender development watch.

Bea's Portrait

Bea’s Portrait

Photoshop  updated and added new features recently. See What New? There is nothing that will be earthshattering for Second Life™ designers. There are features that will make those into SL Photography happy.

What’s Next – The Lab has a blog post up on what is coming for Second Life. See What’s Next for Linden Lab? There are notable changes to Sansar. The Lab says they are ‘reimagining’ Sansar. See Your World Is Waiting: The Makers Of Second Life Reimagine Sansar As An Immersive Destination For Gaming, Commerce & Live Events. I didn’t get how this ‘reimaging’ is different from the initial ‘imagining’. Whatever… If you haven’t been in Sansar for a while, it may be time to look again.

Move to Cloud – The What Next article (above) touches on what is happening with the move to the cloud. Inventory and the maps-website have already been moved to the cloud. Continue reading

Second Life News Week #38

General News

What’s with BoM and Heads?

My experience point is with GA.EG’s Jennifer head. The rest is hearsay. So, you’ve been warned.

Every Time I Breathe I Take You In

Every Time I Breathe I Take You In

There is a significant problem, IMO, taking the current Bento Mesh Heads into BoM compatibility. As the pre-BoM Bento Heads provide considerable control over makeup, at least GA.EG does, and I see no simple way to provide that control to the system layer style of makeup, I expect little change as BoM capability is added to Bento Mesh Heads.

Thus, the simple change is to add the ability to add BoM skin to a Bento-Head. GA.EG does that with an applier. A new head could be made that has BoM built-in. But, would it still provide a choice of applier or BoM skin? The applier does. A new head would have to add scripting to provide the choice. I find script weight already a problem.

I love the Slink Redux body because it reduces my script load by about 2MB. A BoM-Head that increases script load seems counterproductive. Continue reading

Second Life News Week #37

Destinations Video


Many of you will know Experiences have been borked. The Lindens have a fix, sort of… See their SL Blog post on their fix. See Experience Scripts Experiencing Trouble.

The bug is BUG-227526Issue with compiled experiences being lost when a script is copied in-world.

The Shrek Ears Thing

If you used Places Pages in 2017 then you noticed a problem back then. They were suddenly gone. Seems a developer ran a clear & reset script on the live database of Place Pages. Then they found out the database’s backups (plural) were scrambled.

The result was the database could not be restored. That data was gone. So, Place Pages had to be rebuilt by the page owner. It also meant ALL the SL backups were tested to make sure they would work if needed.

It was purely human error. A bummer. But, I bring it up now because from it we learned about Shrek Ears in the Linden offices. You’ve likely seen the movie or at least the trailer so you know what Shrek’s ears look like. But what they mean in Linden circles is unique and SL lore now. The full story is here, “Re-experience the fun of customizing your Place Page!” A Tale of Oops from Ops. Check it out to learn what the Shrek Ears thing is about. Then you’ll understand why some Lindens were recently wearing Shrek Ears… the recent problem with Experience scripts. Continue reading

GA.EG BoM Applier Released – Free

GA.EG BoM Applier

The BoM applier for GA.EG heads is out. It is said to work on Bento and non-Bento GA.EG heads. But, ONLY GA.EG heads.

You can get it for free at the main store. You pay L$1 and get L$1 back, so is free.

GA.EG BoM Applier – Sept 2019 Release – Free

The applier comes with instructions. Use is easy and simple. Figuring out how to do makeup and tats may be a bit strange if you have forgotten how Classic avatars and system layers work. However, you can save a BoM look as a favorite in the head’s HUD… skin section.

You still have to have a BoM capable viewer. More and more third-party viewers are BoM capable. Just not Firestorm. :/ But, soon.

Cool VL Viewer 😛 is one that supports BoM.

Second Life News Week #36

General News

SL Travel

Ever wonder how the SL travel and places blogs find those awesome places?

It seems the Blogger & Vlogger Network has a list of them. (here) They also have a form one can fill out to add to the list. So, they find these places when people stumble-on or otherwise find them and add them to the list.

Only those who dream learn to fly

Only those who dream learn to fly

The list is titled Photogenic, Rezzable Sims. Rezzable? My first thought was griefers will LOVE this list. However, many of the locations require membership in a group to get rez-rights and a number of those groups have a Join Fee. About 20 of the 37 locations are listed as free. If there is a cost it is referenced in the listing. They also have the region’s maturity rating, PG, Moderate, and Adult. Nine are rated Adult, but not all 9 are hook-up places. And even those that are, look good.

The list apparently has some age. Several of the links landed me at places other than the obvious intended landing point but the correct region. However, a couple of regions were gone or repurposed.

I found Backdrop Cove (Map URL) in the list. Got some pictures. This place is not as crowded as Backdrop City. So, posing and setup was nicer. Also, you can rez stuff without having to join a group. They use a 60-minute return. It is a moderate region and the pose and animation stuff I saw was PG. Donations are appreciated. Please help out. Continue reading

Second Life News Week #35

I’m late getting this news out as I have been playing with my new Slink BoM version of the Physique body. I posted that article yesterday.

General News

Last Friday’s Third-Party Devs’ UG meeting lasted 30 min. Oz Linden wasn’t there and most of the usual crowd wasn’t there. Vir Linden facilitated the meeting. There was not much in the way of ‘new’ news.

Vir spoke about the BoM viewer being planned to ship Monday, which it did – 6.3.0, and the updated documentation for BoM. With the limited attendance, there was little information on when third-party viewers will adopt the feature and release BoM capable viewers. None of the FS programmers were around. So, for now, it is ‘wait and see’.

BoM Viewer Comparison

Any viewer that does not support BoM will not show avatars using BoM correctly. So, serious adoption of BoM will wait on Firestorm’s next release.

I have no doubt that a Firestorm BoM viewer is in testing, but, no one has said so. If there are no bugs found then I would expect a new release of Firestorm in the next 4 to 6 weeks, possibly sooner. The last update was about 6 weeks ago. The FS Team gets blowback if they release updates too often. It is a grouchy bunch of users on Firestorm… Yes, I do happen to use FS… So, I can’t predict what they’ll do update-wise.

New Project Viewer Musadine – This is the Animesh modify version. See below for more information. Continue reading

How to Use BoM with New Slink Bodies

Monday Slink began releasing their BoM items. People were getting messages/notecards about how to update some of the Slink stuff they owned. People were posting in the Slink Classy Gear group with questions about the notice they got and others were like ‘whaaa?’ me being one…

So, I asked if they were releasing their BoM updates and was told yes but not yet official. Since I am kinda known at Slink as a blogger that likes Slink Stuff and have bought a bunch and use the Dev-Kit for some stuff I make… I quickly got three update packages.

How can you say…

How can you say…

I strongly suggest you NOT delete ANY of your existing Slink stuff. There is some of the animation stuff that is not included in this new package and maybe some other stuff. I think it is the animation HUD for hands that I did not see in the new stuff.

As of Tuesday, Slink put up a Slink Redux FAQ page on their Slink Style web page. This should answer most of your questions.

This update is labeled Redux v4.0.0. The first bundle in the pack is the Slink Physique Original Bundle. When unpacked it drops 9 folders into your inventory. One is titled Slink – Physique Classic Mesh Body Original. In it is a notecard saying,

“To access the previous versions of the Slink Physique Body parts, wear and unpack the “Slink Physique Hourglass Bundle (Classic)” unpacker HUD in this folder.”

Translated, here Siddean Munro is using “classic” in a way I suspect will be confusing. I would write it Classic Physique… But you get the idea Siddean means the current onion skin Physique body v3.0.8. To continue…

You will receive a number of properly named folders with the items inside.

These body parts use appliers exclusively, and will not be updated to Bakes on Mesh.

They will be available until the 1st of September, 2020, in this unpacker to allow you plenty of time to make the transition to Bakes on Mesh.

We recommend updating your outfits and folders to use the REDUX version as soon as possible.” Continue reading