Second Life Browser Based Viewer
The beta test of browser based Second Life is here. Also known as Project Skylight. New World Notes has an article; Second Life Launches Beta Web Browser Access Test Using Gaikai Cloud-Based Streaming. NWN points to a more complete write up here: Ch’know’s In Your Browser! The Linden Lab page promoting it is here: Browser Based Second Life.
Sign Up
If you hit the right link window you should NOT see a sign up request. You have no control over which window you get. If you sign up for an account you WILL be asked to pick a user name, password, and provide an email address. If you are asked, you have missed the Browser Based Path. You can stop and retry. Reload the page. Read through the rest of this article for the details and the process.
Update: A WORK-AROUND to reloading the page a billion times has been found. Once on the page paste in this URL:
javascript:window.popup_shown=false;$(‘#guide .failure’).hide();showSuccessPopup();
It does not look like URL, but it works. The brain to figure this out was Marv Martin.
If you sign up, your login information is emailed, but it is for sign up to the regular SL. This is a typical email confirmation type email with a link to click on and confirm you got their email. I used my Gmail account, which I thought may have been a mistake but wasn’t. You’ll see what I mean as you read on.
You should only be asked for an email address then immediately be dropped into SL. You should see something like the above image. The email you get will be a welcome and please join the ‘real’ SL promo. So, you can get by with a through-away email address and never need read the email.
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