Maria Korolov has written: Bright Canopy’s viewer in a browser supports voice, uploads, OpenSim grids. She is talking about the Bright Canopy beta that is in progress now. This version runs in an Internet Browser using the FRAME system. She explains how it works.
One of the challenges in using a streaming service is that the actual viewer is running on a remote server. Your computer is sort of doing remote control of that viewer. So, saving files (pictures) can be a problem as the local drive the viewer sees is on the server, not your home computer.
Miraia writes, “Bright Canopy solves this problem by offering the option of linking to your Dropbox, Google Drive, or Box accounts and those folders show up as regular folders when you upload or download files from within the viewer.” Nice!
For now Bright Canopy does not run on the browsers in Smart Phones. They are working on that. The Bright Canopy people say that lack of support is because no viewer supports ‘multi-touch’ user interaction. Multi-touch… if that is new to you, think of pinching on a mobile screen or using two fingers to rotate a screen on a mobile device.
If you used SL Go, you remember they imitated using a mouse. While I recall some two-finger things, they were things that controlled my phone’s interaction with the viewer and not the viewer.
See Maria’s page to get a download link. It is at the bottom of the page.
The Dropbox, etc., options are in fact part of the Frame service Bright Canopy overlays. Pre-launch is also invite only at this point in time, although it is currently being expanded to include more users as things progress.