This week there was no roll to the main channel. Servers in the main channel remain on version #
There will be a roll to the RC channels. All three will update from # to # The listed changes are:
- BUG-5398 Feature Request: llGetObjectDetails() constants OBJECT_SELECTED & OBJECT_SAT_UPON
- BUG-9666 Feature Request: llGetObjectDetails() constants OBJECT_REZ_TIME, OBJECT_CREATION_TIME and OBJECT_RETURN_TIME
- BUG-134057 OBJECT_CREATION_TIME output precision possibly clamped.
- Internal Fixes
The new LSL features are in the function llGetObjectDetails(); OBJECT_SELECT_COUNT and OBJECT_SIT_COUNT.
A change in OBJECT_CREATION_TIME is the shift to 6-digit precision.
- OBJECT_SELECT_COUNT returns how many agents are selecting ANY link in a linkset
- OBJECT_SIT_COUNT returns how many agents are sitting on ANY links in a linkset
Simon Linden tells us the function llHTTPRequest() is getting changes as part of the HTTP clean and update. As the new code runs verifications on the Request Mime types, there are likely to be issues for those doing ‘weird’ things with llHTTPRequestI. So, they are putting the new software on some test regions.
The problem call is: llHTTPRequest(base_url, [HTTP_MIMETYPE, “application/x-www/form-urlencoded”], “”); This type of formatting in the call will fail. Some of the meeting attendees think this affects many people. Lindens… not so many.
Examples used in the wiki should have been corrected to the correct format by now.
Test regions will be in ADITI (Bonifacio and Sandbox Artifex) and some of the regions in the main grid (AGNI) RC channels. The regions are TBD… get that information Thursday at the Beta Server UG. (UG List and times)
Oz Linden says this about the changes, “I actually think that there’s little chance of bad failures, but it could trip a few people and given recent history we’re going to go a little more slowly with this one. I’ll put up a forum post as soon as we have the [test] region list.”
The main viewer remains
Second Life Alex Ivy Viewer version – No updates since last week.
Second Life Maintenance Viewer version – Is new a version, updating from As this is the more likely version to promote next, we probably won’t see a new default viewer this week. This recent update will be watched for a period before it advances.
Second Life Voice Viewer version – No updates since last week.
Second Life Project 360 Snapshot Viewer version – No updates since last week.