Inara Pey has an article about a program named Reshade that can be used with Second Life™. The author calls it a post-processing injector for games… Post processing simply means processing an image after it is initially rendered or captured. The injection part is about setting the software up to capture images from your game software, in Second Life’s case: the viewer, by adding software to the viewer.
If you Photoshop images (post-process), I do, then this add-on allows you to do much of what you would do with PS but to machinima/video. I’ll call this software a baby sister to Adobe’s After Effects. It is limited compared to After Effects. But, is a great tool for almost free.
See: Reshade: post-processing Second Life in real time
This is apparently only Windows software. No Linux or Mac versions are available. You need Windows Vista or better and Win 10 is said to work. The download is about 22mb. Cost is donation. As Second Life uses OpenGL you need to have at least OpenGL 4.3. Plus you need DirectX runtime installed, it usually already is.
You can open your viewer and click HELP->ABOUT… to find your OpenGL version. The latest NIVIA driver 355.60 installs OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA.
If you need them, get the DirectX files here: DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer. Do not attempt to install these until you know you need to. It probably won’t be a problem if you do, but if things are working don’t take a chance on messing it up.
Caution: Once installed, settings persist from session to session and even when Reshade is not running… well the Mediator part, which is the user interface part. Reshade has been inserted into the SL Viewer and remains until you delete it, which can be done from the Mediator.
Interestingly, the Reshader effects are visible even in the viewer’s splash screen.
I haven’t done a lot of testing yet, but I was getting a huge hit on my frame rates. So, using this and FRAPS or other video capture software is probably not going to work well for me. I would need to upgrade my machine. This should be a fun add-on for those that have the computing power needed.