Second Life Viewers

Kokua Viewer

A new version of Kokua Viewer has released: This is a VMM (Viewer Managed Marketplace) compatible viewer. The release notes are here.

{ The "Crabby" Little Mermaid }

{ The “Crabby” Little Mermaid }

This version is not up to date on RLV.

The Linux version has several caveats. 

HyFy Update

CtrlAltStudio has released a new script for local chat, which is kind of like a new feature or plugin for the HyFy viewer. More info. I expect the viewer for Sansar to work with a similar plug-in style.

Firestorm Viewer

There is now a VMM compatible version that is out. The Firestorm blog says:

Aug 3rd UPDATE: LL released Viewer Managed Marketplace today, you can download and use it on their viewer here. We hope to have a build in preview group by the end of the week [8/7], and a release mid week next week [8/12]. We’ll have a blog post here once its available in our preview group.

Rumor is only the Firestorm test crew has access to the VMM version of Firestorm. I suspect we will see a release this month, but not this week (33).

Windows 10

Regardless of which viewer you are using, you are probably considering a Windows 10 upgrade. I did my laptop today. It still seems to work. So, far I like it. I did turn off lots of stuff. I think I got most of the privacy breaking stuff disabled.

Honour McMillian has also upgraded her machine and writes about it in: Second Life, Windows 10, & Me. For her it seems to have been a good move. Others… not so much.

Linden Viewers

SL Main Viewer 3.8.2-303891 – Now about a week old. I find it has problems. I get black screens and Not Responding messages. I’ve had a couple of crashes. In high mesh areas it crawls.

RC Second Life Importer Viewer version – This is the viewer with changes in the mesh import feature.

RC Second Life Maintenance Viewer version – This is the version with lots of third party features and fixes. Release Notes. Said to be ‘20% better and 30% funner’.

Second Life Project Notice Viewer version – This version handles your notices differently.

Second Life Project Oculus Rift Viewer version – Do I need to explain?

We should see the Jelly Babies viewer coming soon. Oz says they are working with notice frequency, how often to tell a user no one can render their blinged out avatar. I am guessing that means it’s in with some of the other A-B testing projects.


A new driver is out, 355.60. 8/13/2015


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