Kokua Viewer
A new version of Kokua Viewer has released: This is a VMM (Viewer Managed Marketplace) compatible viewer. The release notes are here.
This version is not up to date on RLV.
The Linux version has several caveats.
HyFy Update
CtrlAltStudio has released a new script for local chat, which is kind of like a new feature or plugin for the HyFy viewer. More info. I expect the viewer for Sansar to work with a similar plug-in style.
Firestorm Viewer
There is now a VMM compatible version that is out. The Firestorm blog says:
Aug 3rd UPDATE: LL released Viewer Managed Marketplace today, you can download and use it on their viewer here. We hope to have a build in preview group by the end of the week [8/7], and a release mid week next week [8/12]. We’ll have a blog post here once its available in our preview group.
Rumor is only the Firestorm test crew has access to the VMM version of Firestorm. I suspect we will see a release this month, but not this week (33).
Windows 10
Regardless of which viewer you are using, you are probably considering a Windows 10 upgrade. I did my laptop today. It still seems to work. So, far I like it. I did turn off lots of stuff. I think I got most of the privacy breaking stuff disabled.
Honour McMillian has also upgraded her machine and writes about it in: Second Life, Windows 10, & Me. For her it seems to have been a good move. Others… not so much.
Linden Viewers
SL Main Viewer 3.8.2-303891 – Now about a week old. I find it has problems. I get black screens and Not Responding messages. I’ve had a couple of crashes. In high mesh areas it crawls.
RC Second Life Importer Viewer version – This is the viewer with changes in the mesh import feature.
RC Second Life Maintenance Viewer version – This is the version with lots of third party features and fixes. Release Notes. Said to be ‘20% better and 30% funner’.
Second Life Project Notice Viewer version – This version handles your notices differently.
Second Life Project Oculus Rift Viewer version – Do I need to explain?
We should see the Jelly Babies viewer coming soon. Oz says they are working with notice frequency, how often to tell a user no one can render their blinged out avatar. I am guessing that means it’s in with some of the other A-B testing projects.
A new driver is out, 355.60. 8/13/2015