We knew it was coming. Now it is out, Firestorm 4.6.9-42696. The first release out hit a snag. These issues were a problem for a number of people:
- FIRE-15122 Voice connection is lost after Teleport on OpenSim Grids
- FIRE-15110 rlva @getattach does not work
- FIRE-15101 Bottom toolbar buttons show in mouselook
- FIRE-15085 Object view not working in build
- FIRE-14471 Editing quick prefs crash
If you go to get a new Firestorm version, you’ll find that only version 4.6.9-42974 is available for download. If you have version 42696 and are NOT having problems then there is no reason to get the slightly newer release.
If you are upgrading from 4.6.7-42398, the developers recommend a clean install. I won’t take the time to find out how necessary that is or isn’t. I’m sort time. I’m doing an uninstall and deleting all but my chat logs and saved Preferences.
Remember. Look in your preferences to see where you are saving the backup of the viewer settings BEFORE you start uninstalling. See Preferences->Backup.
Version 42398 doesn’t have a Windows uninstall program in the Start menu tree. You’ll find it in the Control Panel->Programs & Features->Uninstall. Or according to the ‘clean install’ instructions you can just delete the program install folder. I think it better to use the uninstall feature of Windows. The developers may have included steps to remove registry entries in the uninstall. I haven’t checked to see if that is in fact what they did. But, there is no chance registry settings are removed via the Program Files Folder delete.
The cache for the 64-bit version of the viewer is in:
I chose to leave the cache in place. The developers recommend deleting it. The logs and settings files are in:
I deleted those after making a copy of all the files there. You’ll find the program files in either:
C:\Program Files\Firestorm\
C:\Program Files\Firestorm-Releasex64
Remember. Your collection of Windlight settings are in these folders too. If you have been collecting Windlight settings, save those to some location too.
What I’ve Noticed
When I uninstalled 4.6.3 I noticed there were 260 something Windlight settings for Skies. In 4.6.9 I see there are about 740…
The icon… if you have pinned FS to the Task Bar, you’ll notice the icon go blank when you uninstall FS. After you have installed the new version of FS the icon works but the image may not refresh until something triggers Windows to rebuild the icon’s cache, usually a restart will do it. But, you can force it with a manual UNPIN and PIN.
If you kept your cache files expect it to take several minutes for the viewer to launch the first time.
Otherwise it is the awesome Firestorm Viewer, but better.