Last Friday the at the Third Party Viewer Developers UG meeting we got some news.
The big news is that Firestorm is to release a new version of their viewer 12/10. Jessica said about 6PM. I am guessing that is SL Time (PST).
Jessica has posted an announcement explaining what is coming in this release and what is NOT going to be in it. A lot of things seen in other third party viewers are not going to make it into this release. There are:
- Group Ban – may be included
- SL Share
- AISv3
These are big improvements in the SL experience. But, they came with 6 bugs that the Firestorm team considers deal breakers. See the blog post for the list: Be Careful What You Wish For.
It seems Jessica is expecting some blow back from users. I expect she’ll get it. But, to rip on someone that is providing you what is arguably the best viewer available for Second Life and certainly the most popular, show serious ingratitude and a major personality defect.
I am disappointed that these important features are being left out of this release. But, I wrote earlier of the releases notes and ALL the STUFF being included in this release (See: Second Life News 2014-50 – scroll down toward the end of the article). There is no shortage of new stuff and fixed problems. Be grateful. I’ll have to deal with my disappointment and try not to rip too harshly on those that lack enough class to avoid venting their disappoint on others.