Ebbe Altberg Interview… another?

Yes, sort of. Ebbe was on a panel at a get together  (Web Summit) in Dublin, Ireland. The Guardian, a UK news  outlet, lead a panel to discuss what might happen if machines could read and understand our emotions.

Little Prayer [Just last the year]

Little Prayer [Just last the year]

See: Is virtual empathy the ghost in the machine for AI? – Tech Weekly podcast. Jo Yardley points out in her coverage of the discussion that Ebbe comes in about the 17 minute mark.  Continue reading

What is: Second Life’s Lab Chat…

Tuesday, 11/10, the Lab posted Introducing Lab Chat – A New Q&A Show in Second Life.

It seems on November 19 @ 10:30 AM in the Linden Endowment for the Arts Theatre Ebbe Altberg/Linden, the Lab’s CEO, will meet with residents for a Q&A session. The Lab is proposing that this be a regular event. I suppose like the Linden Monthly Meet Up.



For many this is exciting. Ebbe can speak without inhibition. He is the one that decides what is confidential and what is ready for public consumption. So, we often get new information from him. He will be answering resident questions at this first Lab Chat. There is no word on whether or not he will be a regular participant, we can hope. Continue reading

Will Sansar be Photorealistic?

In Has it occurred to you what Project Sansar really is? I wrote about the latest Project Sansar® news. Now I see the site Road to VR has a story up about Project Sansar: First Glimpse of Linden Lab’s Next-gen Virtual World, Project Sansar. They suggest it may not be so photorealistic as a stylistic Halo type world.

Sunset Through the Arch at Voile

Sunset Through the Arch at Voile
Second Life

The peeps at Road are speculating from the latest image releases that Sansar will be a more ‘stylized’ than ‘photorealistic’ world.  They make a mistake in saying that ‘stylish’ and ‘beautiful’ are words not used in describing Second Life™. They obviously haven’t looked at the images in: MOST EXCELLENT SecondLife (some NSFW±) or Stunning Second Life Images (safer). It can be argued that many of the images in these Flickr groups have been Photoshop’d. But, are we sure the Lab didn’t Photoshop these images for dramatic affect? I can edit video to improve appearance… Ben Lang, the author of the article, says, Continue reading

Second Life in the News Week 38

I found a couple of new articles about Project Sansar. I’m only going to point out the stuff in the articles I found interesting.

Second Life eyes second act as virtual reality matures – Financial Times (FT)

Jolie Birdy

Jolie Birdy

The FT says the Lab has magazine covers from 2005 that tell about Second Life™ being the next big thing hanging in their offices.

FT points to Project Sansar, High Fidelity, and AltspaceVR as the coming new Virtual Worlds (VW).

FT quotes Wagner James Au (Hamlet), New World Notes, as saying fashion designers are the likely second category of VW users that will make money from VW’s. Presumably the first is those needing to build VW’s for various reasons.

I sure it will thrill many that Hamlet says the third money making category is probably going to be porn. I agree with him. Porn was the early money maker when the Internet started. Hamlet also thinks many big businesses will make the same mistakes they made in Second Life. They will jump into VW’s to look cutting edge, high tech with little or no idea what they are doing and whether it will make them money.  Continue reading

Project Sansar & Second Life in the News

Ciaran Laval has an article I saw this morning: The Project Sansar Media Train Is Still Going Full Steam Ahead. In it he talks about two articles about Project Sansar with some mention of Second Life™.

Living My Own

Living My Own

There is not much of anything new to learn, but a couple of points. Ciaran does a good job analyzing what the two articles may mean for Sansar and Second Life.

Continue reading

Ebbe Interview August 2015

Ebbe Altberg, the Linden Lab CEO, has given another interview. Jo Yardley’s article Upload VR interviews Ebbe Altberg about SL and Sansar in a rather lovely setting is where I first saw mention of it.


Jo thinks liking the setting of the interview is on the ‘shallow’ side… the woman actually has some depth, so I suspect by her standards it might seem that way.

The video is 29 minutes. Sound is weak. The YouTube transcript is weak too. As Jo says there is not much to learn that we don’t already know.

Ebbe describes SL as the leader in user created virtual experiences.

He describes Sansar as a parallel universe to Second Life.

He says they are a couple of weeks away from letting in a few test users in to create content. Then add a few users under NDA and grow that to a hundred or so over the rest of 2015. May be have a 1.0 out by the end of 2016.

Update – PS: Be sure to check out Ciaran’s article on the interview: Project Sansar Buzz Appears To Be Launching The Second Life Of Second Life.

Ebbe Altberg Interview Week 30

Jo Yardley points us to an interview with Ebbe on MMORPG.com: Linden Lab Looks to the Future of Online Experiences. There are a few interesting bits in the Interview. this is an article ABOUT the interview not a transcript.

233 Dance studio

233 Dance studio

Age limit: 13… really!?! Yes… Ebbe says the Lab has the experience to know how to separate content and keep the young safe. I suppose that means regions/experiences will have a rating and those will work with the viewer to limit access and exposure. Since users will be less anonymous by the time they have significant build rights this should an enforceable concept.

This also tells us we are going to have sex in Sansar, aka SL 2.0. Continue reading