Firmament Kickstarter Tops Goal

This morning when I checked Cyan Worlds, Inc. kickstarted had topped the goal of US$1,285,000. Yay! This means the game Firmament will be built. Estimated release date July 2020. The video explains what the game is… sort of.

Cyan Worlds is the company that made Myst in the 90’s, a game that was the number one best seller until the Sims came out. They made a series of Myst sequel games. One is their Myst Online:Uru Live, which is still running and free to play.

The most recent release is Obduction. Continue reading

VR Catching On?

Interesting uses of Virtual Reality Headsets are turning up. Some examples:

Obduction – Of course games. This is a big Myst sibling puzzle game where you are magically transported to an alien world and have to figure out how to get home. The graphics are awesome. All versions of the game will have VR support. The game is out and the VR updates will be sent along.

Sketchfab: Largest Social Media Site for 3D Objects Adds VR Navigation – This is the first web site I’ve heard of that is designed for VR. The highlight isn’t the VR oriented content but the VR oriented site design.

Hospitals Try Giving Patients a Dose of VR – They are using VR to help with pain management. It’s a distraction thing.

Paraplegics regain some feeling, movement after using brain-machine interfaces – Surprising.

Gear VR – Samsung is selling their nice headset for the Note 7 for US$99. I am eligible for a new phone… tempting.

Politicians and Photo-Opts – I didn’t see this one coming. I’m hoping Wiener doesn’t find out about VR.


Today is the day. If you are a kickstart supporter you should be getting an email with the download instructions. I got mine today. Click the enclosed link to Humble Bundle then choose Steam or GoG. I went with Steam. If you haven’t used Steam for a time, I haven’t, their directions aren’t that easy.

Obduction Delivered

Obduction Delivered

Where is Steam’s download? The menu path is Top Menu: Games->Activate a Product. Enter the key given at Humble Bundle. Continue reading

Obduction System Requirements

The discussion over on the Myst and Obduction forums is about whether most of the people will need a new computer or not. The minimum hardware requirements are pretty high. See: Cyan Worlds’ Obduction July Release.

Obduction - Cyan Worlds

Obduction – Cyan Worlds

There is enough of a commotion about hardware the Cyan Worlds peeps have posted: Obduction VS. Hardware.  Mike Dogherra explains his experience with the game. He doesn’t address the Oculus Rift aspect, which I think is why we see such high specs.

While I could be wrong, I think much of this is about Cyan covering their butts and controlling expectations. They do not want to get ripped on for giving people simulator sickness.

Cyan Worlds’ Obduction July Release

Cyan Worlds is the maker of the Myst series of games. A couple of years ago they started a Kickstarter project named Obduction. Obduction will be the first PLAYABLE VR game released. I think the definition of playable is probably the key to that statement.

Previously planned to release in June this year, a number of reasons came together to move Cyan to shift the release date to July 26, 2016. Click the Kickstarter link above for the reasons.  Continue reading

Obduction Coming in June

Quoting: Welcome to Obduction, Cyan’s highly anticipated spiritual successor to Myst. This teaser trailer finally pulls back the curtain for a sneak peek of what to expect. Obduction is scheduled for release in June 2016.

A couple of months and I’ll have a copy…