In the forum, someone was asking about DJ classes. The name Timothy Scarborough and Helping Haven came up.
Helping Haven Gateway is a region in Second Life™. As a gateway, it has a website: Helping Haven. People can open a Second Life account and log into SL on the website. When they use the website they land in the Helping Haven reception area.
When I went there 3 or 4 people were on ‘duty’? They had the answers to my questions on who was doing the DJ classes. They didn’t know the when nor did I find that answer in my exploring.
The region very much reminds me of Second Life in 2008 when I came in. There used to be places with helpers… mentors hanging out that you could ask questions. They were usually circular areas and people landed in the middle with helpers scattered around the edges. One asked a question local chat and someone would chime in with an answer.
The Lab’s stats on those coming in for that first or an early in SL life login via the Help Islands with mentors were discouraging and the mentor program was dropped. Seems people that never interacted with mentors stayed in SL longer. I’ve always thought that was counterintuitive. Statistics can be misleading…
All the instructional material in Helping Haven is about classic SL. Classic in the sense everything is prim based and classic avatar oriented, at least what I saw.
One of our big problems for noobies is the change to mesh bodies. To me, it seems counterproductive to have a site that puts people in a mesh body and clothes then instructs them on how to use classic bodies and clothes. That has to be confusing.
Helping Haven has a Facebook page. Who doesn’t?
I haven’t taken any classes with Helping Haven. So, I can’t talk about them, other than to say they have them.