There is no roll to the main channel this week.
There is a Wednesday roll out. The RC channels Blue Steal and La Tigre are getting the same maintenance package, I think. Caleb is clear. I had to read the version numbers to decide. While Magnum is getting a new package with the same version number as Blue and Tigre.
This package has Minor internal changes and Tool Tip/Constant text fixes.
PS: Fix for BUG-18251, BUG-10979, and a cosmetic fix for Bento attachment points, per Simon Linden.
PPS: One crash fix, and some anti-griefing stuff.
PPPS: The griefing fix is changing ways the region works to try and stay running when attacked. Simon Linden: no, it’s nothing externally visible.
Second Life Inventory Message Viewer version – No change
Second Life Maintenance Viewer version – This version has updated from the previous version
Second Life Project Bento Viewer version – No change since last week.
Second Life Project VLC Media Plugin Viewer version –
Second Life Project VOB Viewer version – This version has updated from the previous version
Second Life Project Oculus Rift Viewer version – No change since last year.
Third Party Viewers
Singularity updated last week. Most third party viewers are updating to meet the security change in SSL to TLS being made near the end of this month. Without an update, your viewer will not be able to do anything money related.