This is the viewer that was the Oculus Rift enabled viewer for Second Life. Today, 6/21, I see that the viewer has been removed from the Third Party Viewer directory at the viewer maker’s request.
Early versions of the viewer were based on Linden Viewers and later versions on the Firestorm Viewer.
There is no current version of a viewer that supports the Oculus Rift, AFAIK. The Linden Viewer is in the process of being updated. But, we have not seen a release in over a year. Later this month the SSL/TLS security change will make the only available Linden made viewer with Oculus support about useless.
It is hard to say what the Lab’s priority is for getting a usable Oculus capable viewer out. We have known the Lab to pull people off the update project to handle problems they consider more pressing.
“Later this month the SSL/TLS security change will make the only available Linden made viewer with Oculus support about useless.”
If you’re referring to the TLS 1.2 change, it occurred a week ago, on June 15th.
Also, it only impacts using the SL WEB Cashier, so non-TLS 1.2 viewers are only affected if you are trying to use the internal browser to make L$ purchases on the LindeX or to make purchases on the SL Marketplace. They still work fine for user / user transactions, in-world purchasing via vendors and buying L$ via the button in the top right corner.
I’ve covered them impact of the TLS 1.2 change here.
This was the ONLY viewer that supported “ordinary” 3D stereoscopic SL, the Linden Oculus viewer never bothered with it. Neither did Firestorm even though CtrlAltStudio was based on it.
It’s rather sad for me as I can’t really face going back to a 2D SL when it finally becomes unusable.
Yeah, 🙁 I played with stereo a few times. My hope is that when the Lindens do bring out their updated Oculus viewer the third party dev’s will add in stereo.