Bernie Sanders Protested by a Griefer

Hamlet at New World Notes ran an article on the protest around a Bernie supporter’s region. See: Bernie Sanders’ Second Life Headquarters Besieged by Trump-Supporting Swastikas, Demons and 120 Ft. Fireworks-Spewing Donald Trump Statue.

The Giant Trump - pics explained at end of article.
#1 – The Giant Trump – pics explained at end of article.

I guess we know who Hamlet DOES NOT support. His choice and pretty much understandable considering the current media coverage. However, I find Hamlet’s coverage of the protest rather shallow. It is what I would expect from a Bernie supporter or an anti-Trump person, not that Hamlet is either. But, there is more to this story than Hamlet is telling and I expect omissions from someone with an agenda. Hamlet’s, if he has one, could just be to get clicks or it could be deeper.

First read Hamlet’s article and decide how many people might be protesting. I’ll explain what I’ve found. I think you’ll find it more interesting after reading Hamlet’s article.

Now with some clicking a Second Life™ user can find out who put up the signs and owns the land with the main Trump promo, not RL names, just in-world names. You’ll find the center of the teacup storm here: Caspoli. (SL-URL*) The area is constantly changing. So, the Trump image atop a 180m edifice is gone, but may be back. They also seem to have run out of fireworks (4/30).

Looking toward the hidden Giant Trump.
#2 – Looking toward the hidden Giant Trump.

A person put up the main sign and fireworks display. Everything I can find leads back to one person. They have also put up the For God and Country signs which are misrepresentative of Trump’s stated views and rather unflattering to Trump. Not something I think a Trump supported would do.

I couldn’t find the Nazi Swastika flags with the Trump name others have featured. But, those too are more likely an idea from anti-Trump people or the politically ignorant… I guess it is more PC to say politically uneducated to avoid offending those having trouble dealing with a Trump sign, but no issue with riots.

By the way, remember. Hitler was the head of the National Socialist Party of Germany and the Swastika was their ‘logo’. The symbol originates in antiquity, pre second century B.C. In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism it represents auspiciousness. The Nazi use of the symbol in WWII gave it a stigma connoting racist oppression and brutality. Not a symbol one would want on their promotional material in western society.

A little further thought raises some interesting questions about this supposed Bernie protest. iRL we see Alinsky style violent and disruptive protests by RL people from the radical Left. Not even the GOP establishment people protesting Trump are trying to disrupt his rallies. They are working hard to discredit him, which isn’t all that hard. But, the Right is not disruptive. It is only the radical Left, supposed supporters of free speech, trying to stop Trump’s political speech by disrupting his rallies. So, the SL protest against Bernie is very out of character.

More pages, links below… 

13 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders Protested by a Griefer”

    1. Show me any news article where the right has blocked Bernie’s or Hillary’s rally speeches.

  1. I am the one responsible for both the god and country signs and the wall.
    The wall started off as a simple joke/banter to prod the Bernie HQ into getting their rears in gear and have a HQ actually representative of their candidate. Not some joke of 3 walls plastered with meme images. Luckily that plan worked, and the Bernie HQ is something to be respected now. However, with that said the god and country signs and the current walled off fiasco that has taken place. Those are in response to a personal conflict I have with the owner of that HQ. There are no politics involved here from my position with those. I just know the HQ owner dislikes Donald Trump strongly. Again, I got the response I was looking for placing some images. The owner of the HQ already knows what I am after, they just haven’t acted. It is a simple personal spat. Nothing more. Also I am well aware at how childish this is, but it is just to awesome at the same time.

    1. Thanks for saying…

      I can’t say I am surprised at how the Left is taking up the story and spinning out Trump-hate and Trump supporter hate. None really point to what is actually going on.

      1. Pointing out what is actually going on would take effort and not line up with the narrative they want to promote. The only person I have actually had a conversation with about the purpose and intent of the wall and the siege around Bernie HQ was Jeff Grubb of Venture Beat, but he didn’t include any of what we discussed in his article. Glad you actually took the time to inspect the objects and read a profile, unlike what everyone else coming across the wall has done. It is almost is unfair that Trump HQ gets all the credit xD

        1. lol… giving you credit defeats their agenda.

          Reporters are no longer ‘reporters’. They write about their opinion of what they think is happening or will help their agenda. Actually sad.

  2. Trump’s name placed on swastikas. What Trump supporter would do that? really.

    Back in the day we had a notorious land cutter named Umnik Hax. He wore a big, gold Star of David, and his profile was full of Jewish and Israeli groups but he was no Jew. Old Umnik knew he was being an a**hole and wanted is behaviour to reflect badly on his least favourite religion. I think that a very similar thing is going on with the “Trump griefing” on Sanders land.

    1. If you Google political rally infiltrators, you’ll find it is becoming a tactic used by a few individuals on both sides. But, the Left is organizing mass infiltrations and seems to be adopting the tactic as SOP.

  3. I’m impressed with this article — I had no idea such liberal critics of the left existed in Second Life, they’re scarce enough in real life! I’d have to agree, as a supporter of Hillary Clinton, that a lot of the hysteria about Trump has come from the left and the extreme left itself incites and glorifies violence or believes it is justified as we have seen with Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter.

    When I visited the Bernie Sanders supporters’ sim in SL in order to get material to include in a landmark giver I have of real life places, I got harassed by the people on this sim. I’m a long critic of the Daily Kos operatives in SL and this is who it was. Nasty bunch.

    In my experience with stories like this, the lefty tech press grabs them and writes them up as they wish they occurred with scant attention to the facts.

    1. 🙂

      I’m not sure what to make of your comment. We are usually diametric opposites. But, we are apparently seeing some behaviors the same way.

      Thanks for commenting.

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