I seldom make it to the Open Source User Group meeting these days. Today I did today. I don’t have time to write the meeting up. But, there is some interesting information. So, I’ll post the raw log as Oz Linden doesn’t post his meeting chat logs. While I would like it if he did, there are way better things he can do with his time.
Raw chat log – click + to open:
[su_spoiler title=”Chat Log Text” anchor=”Accordion-1″]
[2015/03/02 07:03] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): Oz im still having issues with the the new build chain in an OS build environment
[2015/03/02 07:03] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Hello, Nalates.
[2015/03/02 07:03] Nal (nalates.urriah): Hi Yuzuru, everyone
[2015/03/02 07:03] Oz Linden: what sort of issues, Wolfpup?
[2015/03/02 07:03] さくら (sakuranoel.fayray): Hello
[2015/03/02 07:04] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): i got my new QuickTime Variable to work but now im getting not target for LLPluginTest errors druing the configure
[2015/03/02 07:05] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): and the built viewer im currently running dose not have QuickTime due to a def conflict between fp.h and math.h
[2015/03/02 07:06] Oz Linden: I’m afraid I can’t be of much help with that
[2015/03/02 07:07] Oz Linden: The least-effort alternative is to ignore quicktime for now. We’re revamping how all that is done, so any effort spent on it now will have a very short lifetime anyway
[2015/03/02 07:07] Oz Linden: is there something you really care about having quicktime for? (just curious)
[2015/03/02 07:08] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): the thing is if i buld the viewer useing the VS2010 tool chain i get QuickTime to build just fine
[2015/03/02 07:09] Oz Linden: a lot changed
[2015/03/02 07:09] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): and there are some places i use to go that have media that is .mov
[2015/03/02 07:09] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): and that is a QuickTime media format
[2015/03/02 07:10] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): as well as mp4 and m4a
[2015/03/02 07:10] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): /me knows this since he also dose video encodeing
[2015/03/02 07:11] Oz Linden: we should have a public project pretty soon for our new web plugin stuff
[2015/03/02 07:11] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Showing mp4 is very important for me..
[2015/03/02 07:12] Oz Linden: at least in theory there should be other ways to play mp4
[2015/03/02 07:12] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Oz, Will the html buildin viewer support HTML5?
[2015/03/02 07:12] Nal (nalates.urriah): Is CEF going to be a plugin?
[2015/03/02 07:12] Oz Linden: the new one will yes
[2015/03/02 07:12] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): i have ~600GB of mp4’s that is on my server that is being shared via torrents right now
[2015/03/02 07:12] さくら (sakuranoel.fayray): Mac can’t see Flash ;(
[2015/03/02 07:12] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): well there is FFShow decoder that is OS
[2015/03/02 07:13] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): Media Player Home Cinema used that decoder and LAV as well which is also OS
[2015/03/02 07:14] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): About CEF, https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/OPEN-218
[2015/03/02 07:14] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): and those handel even the newes x265 encodeing
[2015/03/02 07:15] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): ok i just opend that link in the internal browser and it is not working
[2015/03/02 07:15] Oz Linden: well, in theory the whole point of the current SLPlugin system was that people could create new media plugins and contribute them. As far as I know, that’s never actually happened.
[2015/03/02 07:16] Martin RJ (martinrj): I had to log in to Jira first, then click the link again
[2015/03/02 07:17] Nal (nalates.urriah): It seems everyone forgot about being able to add plugins for media.
[2015/03/02 07:17] Oz Linden: I should get the status of that updated… we’re farther along than it shows now
[2015/03/02 07:17] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): knid of likie what had happened with HACD ?
[2015/03/02 07:18] Oz Linden: I’m not familiar with that
[2015/03/02 07:19] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): that was during when mesh was being introduced
[2015/03/02 07:19] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): it has been a few years
[2015/03/02 07:19] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): What is HACD?
[2015/03/02 07:20] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): and OS version of Havok’s Mesh Decomp system
[2015/03/02 07:21] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Ah, the function to make convex hull?
[2015/03/02 07:22] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): yep
[2015/03/02 07:22] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): open-105 was the orginal issue for that
[2015/03/02 07:22] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/OPEN-105
[2015/03/02 07:22] Nal (nalates.urriah): Wolf, I would suggest you ask a Firestorm Dev about HACD. Those supporting opensim would have the most motivation to use it. – Oz, will we get any info on the development road map you adopted? Some general idea?
[2015/03/02 07:23] Oz Linden: nope
[2015/03/02 07:23] Oz Linden: 🙂
[2015/03/02 07:23] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): i knoe FS dose use it as i build that viewer more regularly
[2015/03/02 07:23] Nal (nalates.urriah): Oooh NOoooo. We’ll have to hire spies.
[2015/03/02 07:23] Oz Linden: We
[2015/03/02 07:24] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): right now im only working on the LL viewer because of the new build tool chain
[2015/03/02 07:24] Oz Linden: We’ll talk about things as we get close enough to having them ready that it matters.
[2015/03/02 07:25] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): Oz the only reasin that im able to be here to day is that im on Vacation from my job that pays the bills
[2015/03/02 07:25] Oz Linden: Vacations are good
[2015/03/02 07:25] Nal (nalates.urriah): I understand… but, its no fun that way. 🙂
[2015/03/02 07:26] Nal (nalates.urriah): Did we ever get any stats on how many people have ALM enabled?
[2015/03/02 07:27] Oz Linden: No… it’s not one of the things we include in the stats data
[2015/03/02 07:28] Oz Linden: we can approximate it by looking at settings in crash reports, but that’s a poor sample since people with underpowered systems crash much more often than those with powerful systems
[2015/03/02 07:29] Oz Linden: so we haven’t even done that
[2015/03/02 07:29] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): ALM ?
[2015/03/02 07:29] Oz Linden: I got a new Mac over the weekend… way way better frame rate now 🙂
[2015/03/02 07:29] Nal (nalates.urriah): That makes sense. Its also one of those things we don’t seem to be able to get a handle on from general conversation for SL users. – Congrats on the new Mac
[2015/03/02 07:29] さくら (sakuranoel.fayray): oh
[2015/03/02 07:30] Martin RJ (martinrj): congrats
[2015/03/02 07:31] Nal (nalates.urriah): What kind of FPS are you getting?
[2015/03/02 07:31] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): Oz i also have a updated system since the beginning of the year thx to fans of a fan sub group i work with
[2015/03/02 07:31] Martin RJ (martinrj): I wish Apple would use AMD graphics chips again in their PCs (as they did until 2010), so that LL would focus more on amd-specific bugs
[2015/03/02 07:31] Martin RJ (martinrj): 🙂
[2015/03/02 07:31] Oz Linden: varys a lot, but it’s more than double what I was getting
[2015/03/02 07:32] Oz Linden: my old system had an amd card, this one is an NVIDIA 750
[2015/03/02 07:32] Nal (nalates.urriah): Do you see FPS drop by huge percentages in crowds of 20+ avatars?
[2015/03/02 07:33] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): Nvidia is more OS frindly than AMD
[2015/03/02 07:33] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): New iMac have NVIDIA 750M.
[2015/03/02 07:33] Oz Linden: well, I’m going to tell IT to give my AMD system to QA
[2015/03/02 07:33] Oz Linden: I haven’t experimented much yet, Nal
[2015/03/02 07:33] Martin RJ (martinrj): my laptop also has a NVIDIA gpu
[2015/03/02 07:33] Oz Linden: but I’m using the new settings for limiting avatar impact, so I don’t expect it will be too bad
[2015/03/02 07:34] Martin RJ (martinrj): I can’t stand those generalizations about gpus hehe
[2015/03/02 07:35] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): at least with this new system i can build the LL stock viewer in less than an hour where as before it would take a few hours
[2015/03/02 07:36] Martin RJ (martinrj): do you have any framerate drops when the content of a region is still loading, Oz?
[2015/03/02 07:36] Nal (nalates.urriah): I saw someone asking about Lab generated GPU performance tables… Is the Lab going to publish one? I think GPU alone would be misleading.
[2015/03/02 07:36] Oz Linden: I don’t keep the stats floater up routinely, so I don’t notice Martin
[2015/03/02 07:36] Martin RJ (martinrj): I notice that on my laptop every time I log in to a region with lots of textures
[2015/03/02 07:36] Martin RJ (martinrj): e.g. a forest
[2015/03/02 07:37] Oz Linden: that would make sense – there’s a lot of texture decoding to do
[2015/03/02 07:37] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): i see high data traffic but no real FPs drop on my new system
[2015/03/02 07:37] Nal (nalates.urriah): When textures and mesh are loading I lose FPS. GTX560
[2015/03/02 07:38] Nal (nalates.urriah): What is your new system Wolf?
[2015/03/02 07:38] Oz Linden: not too surprising, Nal… the viewer is usually cpu bound, so if it’s doing one thing it’s not doing another
[2015/03/02 07:38] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): with where i log in at since there is alot of sculpties
[2015/03/02 07:39] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (3400.07 MHz)
Memory: 8074 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce 9500 GT/PCIe/SSE2
[2015/03/02 07:39] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): and that is from the SL about floater
[2015/03/02 07:39] Nal (nalates.urriah): How many cores, Wolf?
[2015/03/02 07:40] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): quad with speed steping and hyper threading
[2015/03/02 07:41] Nal (nalates.urriah): That’s almost an 8 core. Is the 9500GT an old card?
[2015/03/02 07:41] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): yes it is
[2015/03/02 07:41] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): the vid card was from my old system
[2015/03/02 07:41] Nal (nalates.urriah): Wow. What range of FPS do you get?
[2015/03/02 07:42] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): infact i still have those parts laying around here some where
[2015/03/02 07:42] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): well right now im getting 16FPS but i have been upto ~50FPS
[2015/03/02 07:43] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): but i do have mutiple browsers open and other things going on as ell
[2015/03/02 07:43] Nal (nalates.urriah): All the textures have loaded and I’m getting 29 w/GTX560
[2015/03/02 07:43] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): and SL is full screen right now
[2015/03/02 07:44] Nal (nalates.urriah): Multiple browsers will slow things down. Do you have any more occurrences of texture thrashing with multiple browsers open?
[2015/03/02 07:45] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): im talaking external browsres
[2015/03/02 07:45] Nal (nalates.urriah): Duh.. I was thinking viewers and saying browsers… sorry
[2015/03/02 07:47] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): I have Chrome open with 8 tabs and FF open with 4 tabs plus 2 differnt irc clients Cwgyn64 notepad++ with multiple docs open
[2015/03/02 07:47] Nal (nalates.urriah): Oz how are the stats on CDN and CDN in genreal?
[2015/03/02 07:47] Oz Linden: The CDN is doing an excellent job
[2015/03/02 07:48] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Hello, Mona.
[2015/03/02 07:48] Nal (nalates.urriah): Mona poofed….
[2015/03/02 07:48] Oz Linden: we’re continuing to experiment with different configurations, but the performance results we’re seeing are great and the load reductions on the sim hosts are very significant
[2015/03/02 07:49] Nal (nalates.urriah): Are you experimenting with different CDN hosts? Do you get stats from the CDN people?
[2015/03/02 07:50] Nal (nalates.urriah): people=companies
[2015/03/02 07:51] Oz Linden: We have experimented with more than one provider, and we do get stats from each, though mostly we rely on our own measurements
[2015/03/02 07:52] Oz Linden: I need to wrap up a few minutes early today – any last minute issues?
[2015/03/02 07:52] Nal (nalates.urriah): Can you tell how long the CDN caches live? I seem to hit a lot of regions and get what I think is a cold CDN cache load.
[2015/03/02 07:53] Oz Linden: yes, some of them age out more quickly than we’d like
[2015/03/02 07:53] Martin RJ (martinrj): do you have news on the recent reports of failing group chats (particularly after the last LL changes)?
[2015/03/02 07:53] Oz Linden: of course, if you just log in to SL constantly, you’d help us to keep the caches warm 🙂
[2015/03/02 07:53] Martin RJ (martinrj): many Firestorm-users reported that the Firestorm-Support group chat fails to load
[2015/03/02 07:54] Nal (nalates.urriah): 🙂
[2015/03/02 07:54] Oz Linden: I saw some reports, Martin, but we have not had a chance to do a post-mortem on them yet
[2015/03/02 07:54] Oz Linden: it’s still early in California :-_)
[2015/03/02 07:55] Oz Linden: time for me to go
[2015/03/02 07:55] Nal (nalates.urriah): Are you going to be doing any work on the viewer caching system?
[2015/03/02 07:55] Oz Linden: thanks for coming all
[2015/03/02 07:55] Martin RJ (martinrj): I always suspect it’s a Firestorm-specific thing : )
[2015/03/02 07:55] Nal (nalates.urriah): OK, thanks Oz
[2015/03/02 07:55] Martin RJ (martinrj): goodbye Oz!
[2015/03/02 07:55] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Thank you, Oz.
[2015/03/02 07:55] さくら (sakuranoel.fayray): Thank you Oz.
[2015/03/02 07:56] Wolfpup (wolfpup.lowenhar): nal whein i un maximized the viewer my FPS doubled
[2015/03/02 07:57] Nal (nalates.urriah): I get some improvement when I go from Full Screen to about 1/3 screen. But, not double.
[2015/03/02 07:58] Nal (nalates.urriah): About 1/3 better
[2015/03/02 07:59] Nal (nalates.urriah): As people leave my FPS goes up
[2015/03/02 08:00] さくら (sakuranoel.fayray): bye bye
[2015/03/02 08:00] Nal (nalates.urriah): Thanks for the info on your computer Wolf. I”m starting to buy parts for a new computer.
[2015/03/02 08:00] Nal (nalates.urriah): Bye all
[2015/03/02 08:00] Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): See you!
[2015/03/02 08:00] Nal (nalates.urriah): 🙂
New media system will be good. Shame he didnt answer your question on caching, though I expect from earlier TPV meetings that that should be on their roadmap…also a shame he would not even share the number of items on that list.
Oz has always been one to avoid drama and keep things practical. Like he keeps saying, when they have something to show, they’ll show it. Until then his thinking seems to be it is just unwarranted speculation leading to drama.
Numbers would be nice. I like numbers. But, I don’t know that having them would tell us anything of value. Numerous things could make up a single item or vice-versa. One item could take years or days to implement…