Also know as: Second Life Community Badges
Four years ago to the day, 3/3/2011, I posted about how to make a Second Life Forum Community Badge. The badges are, of course, shown in the Second Life Forum. See the example image.
The alternative is to show just the avatar profile picture.
At the time there was a problem and four years later it is still here. We probably need to file a new JIRA. Whatever, the problem only appears of you select one of the default ‘profile cards’ to use. There is no way to unselect using a card after that. You are doomed for life.
I think the community has tried all the tricks they can think of to undo this mistake. I have yet to hear of a fix. That says something because the initial thread with the tutorial on making Profile Cards or Community Badges (these labels are interchangeable – in 2011 they were labeled Profile Badge in the forum settings. That seems to have changed at some point and they are now labeled Profile Card – But I may be miss remembering) has grown to 16 pages and some 9,000+ people have read the post. See: How to create a cool forum avatar \ badge.
If you have not yet made a badge for your avatar, this is something you may want to check out. I suggest you read my article first. At the time Suella Ember had missed a few points. I think she has caught most of those and edited her Opening Post (OP). But, I do cover the gotcha’s I ran into.
Have fun.
Most of these badges are unreadable- the graphics cover the name— have no idea who the poster is.
Yes, some are pretty bad. Providing instructions for something unfortunately doesn’t provide the talent needed to make good use of the process… 🙁
The feature in the forum lacks several critical, I think critical, controls for building nice badges. Like font color… The name says black text. That restricts what you can do with the image and still have a readable name, as you point out.