Second Life Bits 2014-23

Mesh Clothes

It isn’t common to see people making all four LoD (Level of Detail) levels.  But, we can do the polygon reduction thing for making a lower poly model for use with a normal map. The challenge is in making the lower poly models. Now Mixamo has a ‘decimator’ online that we can use. It is free to use until July 12, 2014.

[youtube PB4Y4RI4Hxk]

You’ll find it here: Optimize Your Polycount the Fast and Easy Way


Iris Ophelia at New World Notes points us to news about the SIMS 4: Sims 4 News Tumblr. Get her opinion and analysis here: Revenge of the Rabbit Hole: The Sims 4 May Be Killing One of the Series’ Most Hated Features, but at What Cost?


If you are looking to compare video cards, see:


Marine Kelley has announced the coming Upcoming RLV 2.9. Marine is adding camera controls. These will enhance how blindfolds work and other aspects of RLV play.

2 thoughts on “Second Life Bits 2014-23

    • I haven’t taken the time to try it. So, no…

      I expect it will be better than Blender. I don’t know Maximo well. But, I am aware of classes he teaches and other work he is doing. So, if Blender did the job, I suspect he would use it. So, my guess is it is better than what Blender offers. I hope to try it this week.

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