Mesh Clothes
It isn’t common to see people making all four LoD (Level of Detail) levels. But, we can do the polygon reduction thing for making a lower poly model for use with a normal map. The challenge is in making the lower poly models. Now Mixamo has a ‘decimator’ online that we can use. It is free to use until July 12, 2014.
[youtube PB4Y4RI4Hxk]
You’ll find it here: Optimize Your Polycount the Fast and Easy Way.
Iris Ophelia at New World Notes points us to news about the SIMS 4: Sims 4 News Tumblr. Get her opinion and analysis here: Revenge of the Rabbit Hole: The Sims 4 May Be Killing One of the Series’ Most Hated Features, but at What Cost?
If you are looking to compare video cards, see:
Marine Kelley has announced the coming Upcoming RLV 2.9. Marine is adding camera controls. These will enhance how blindfolds work and other aspects of RLV play.
Any idea how the Decimator compares to Blender’s Decimate modifier?
I haven’t taken the time to try it. So, no…
I expect it will be better than Blender. I don’t know Maximo well. But, I am aware of classes he teaches and other work he is doing. So, if Blender did the job, I suspect he would use it. So, my guess is it is better than what Blender offers. I hope to try it this week.