Second Life Script Sources

I recently needed to see how some things are scripted in Second Life™. I went looking for an existing script similar to what I need. I came up with these sources for free Second Life scripts.

Free LSL Scripts
Free LSL Scripts
Waving Girl
Waving Girl

Free LSL Scripts – This site’s domain was obviously selected for search placement: The blog style site, once you get to the free scripts page, shows popular, recent, and after scrolling down categories of scripts. This is a great site for beginning scripters, IMO.

The site includes a great collection of tutorials on all sorts of things related to SL.

They have an in-world shop too: Phaze Demesnes.

SL Wiki Script Library – This is the script library maintained by users on the SL Wiki. It is a good collection of scripts. Some are old. A few are new. 

SL Forum Scripting Section – This is the SL Forum section on scripting. It is hard to use for finding scripts but a great place for help.

Chimera Fire Free Scripts – This site has a small collection of handy scripts. It also has a list of other script sources.

SLUniverse – This forum based library is a bit awkward to use, but there is a good collection of scripts. Plus there are people there that may help you with them, if you are lucky.

Foxsan’s 3D Tools And LSL Script Repository – A small collection of scripts and 3D tools. Most of the site is shutdown because the owner can’t handle the spam.

College of Scripting – In-world. This is an interesting approach to scripting. Plus they get into some philosophy, which makes them heroes in my thinking.

Builders Brewery – In-world. This is an excellent all around educational group for scripting and building. The site has lots of interesting full perm stuff to check out.

4 thoughts on “Second Life Script Sources”

  1. As the introduction to the LSL Library in the Wiki explains,

    There is a treasure trove of user developed scripts that have become hard to find over time throughout Second Life’s web server revisions and redesigns. The Huge Leap to the new Jive software, while traumatic and disruptive, has failed to dispose of what’s come before at the moment of your reading. These valuable community generated resources do indeed still remain and can be browsed/retrieved from several disjointed and disparate locations. While some links may point to duplicated, revised, or downright ancient wisdom, you may derive some enlightened perspective researching their hard won, timely solutions we encounter day to day.

    The wiki lists the following resources:

    Old Forums -Scripting Library index (wiki),
    Old Forums -Scripting Forum Archive,
    Old Forums -Scripting Library,
    new Forums -Archives > Scripting Library,
    new Forums -LSL Library.

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