My readers know the HTTP aspects of Second Life™ are being upgraded to the latest and greatest tech available for HTTP. For most of us this is a non-issue we hope will give us better overall performance; faster texture download, more stable connections, and world that renders quickly.

ADITI Regions
For others this is a matter of their in-world systems, think vending machines and subscription machines, working or not. If you use vending machines or other tools that depend on a third party server, you should be checking with the creator to see if they are testing their products with the new HTTP protocol services.
Monty Linden has stated, “llRequestURL and llRequestSecureURL are part of the service also called ‘HTTP-In’.
The HTTP server is in the script, the client is a non-viewer entity running out on the net. This path transits the gateways and so may be impacted indirectly (DRTSIM-203 channel) and directly (DRTSIM-203H channel) and is worth testing for those who’ve built services on them.”
Prior to the 15th there were some problems getting into the test regions. Monty corrected that on the 15th.

AGNI Regions
The previously available regions were; TextureTest2*, TextureTest2H, and TextureTest2A. Late on the 15th Monty added the regions; MeshTest2, MeshTest2A, MeshTest2H, Sandbox HTTP, Sandbox HTTP A, Sandbox HTTP H. Some of these regions have duplicates in AGNI. These are for comparison purposes. The new code is only on the regions in ADITI, the preview grid.

Texture Test Region
You can look in Help->About… to see the server version running. You are looking for DRTSIM-203, DRTSIM-203A, and DRTSIM-203H.
- DRTSIM-203 – Normal limits. I think it may be more meaningful call this the ‘planned limits’ version, as in planned for release to the main grid.
- DRTSIM-203A – strict and preemptive enforcement of limits (generates many 503 errors).
- DRTSIM-203H – generous limits.
If you build software for SL that uses HTTP calls, now is the time to be testing and providing feedback and bug reports.