Second Life Parcel Encroachment

This feature is being rolled out to the main grid Tuesday. It has been in testing for the last couple of weeks. The feature failed its first round of testing in the release channel. This week it passed, so now it gets promoted to the main grid.

This is the feature that allows you to return prims located in another parcel that encroach on your parcel. It is the center of the prim that determines which parcel it is on. So, a prim can be located on parcel 1 and extend into parcel 2. As things have been previously the owner of parcel 2 was just screwed. Now the owner of parcel 2 will be able to return an encroaching prim.

How To

Finding the control to return the prim is a bit trick. Fortunately there is an SL Wiki page with instructions. See: Second Life Wiki > Parcel encroachment.

The feature is enabled region by region. The region owner must enable it. It is only possible to enable the feature via a viewer that has access to the SL Simulator Console. That is SLV2.5 Beta and newer. Some project viewers and TPV’s may not have the feature.

One opens the console with a special key combination. While any user can open the console there is almost nothing the typical user can do with the console other than type HELP.

Second Life Viewer Based Console
Second Life Viewer Based Console

Purpose of Console

The console is a fast way to get features of the simulator revealed to users without waiting for the viewer to be updated with a control panel for the feature. Also some features are used so seldom their value is not worth the effort to develop a user interface.

If you run an OpenSim simulator, you are familiar with the console. The SL simulator has a similar console and this viewer feature reveals it to the common used. However, the SL console is restricted to mostly Lab staff.

If you are following Imprudence Viewer development you will know that the Aurora Simulator, a fork of OpenSim, and the new descendant of Imprudence, Kokua, are planned to have many more viewer tools for working with the Aurora and OpenSim simulators.

I would normally expect Linden Lab development to follow Kokua’s popular tools. But, since console tools carry the possibility to be abused, I suspect the SL console to always have limited features.

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