KirstenLee Viewer S20(40) Released

Updated 2010-10-21

KirstenLee has a new version out; (40) . This version has lots of changes in user controls. It also is up to date with the Snowstorm Project.

It is a little hard to know exactly what ‘up to date’ means. (Kirsten commented below) In Snowstorm there is a stable viewer, a beta viewer, a development viewer and two project viewers. Kirsten says Display Names code is in the viewer. That is from a project viewer. But, nothing is said about mesh.   Continue reading

Mesh to OSGrid – Viewer Changes

How to Get Mesh Uploaded to OSGrid

OSGrid Mesh

Mesh OSGrid

OSGrid is supporting mesh now. All one has to do is figure out how to get a mesh uploaded. Most of the viewers do not have the feature. Only the SLV2 Mesh Project viewer has the feature. So, one needs to point that viewer to the OSGrid and give it a try.

Updated 2010-11-24

Getting Started

First thing we need is a copy of the Mesh Project Viewer. You can down load it from the Second Life Support Download page*. You’ll find it under Project viewers. Get it installed and try it out. You may see some pretty kewl meshes in ADITI (the preview or beta grid).

Continue reading

Imprudence Viewer Experimental 2010.10.17

Even if you are not an Imprudence user this is an important read.

The Imprudence team has a new release of the Experimental (Imprudence beta) viewer out. The building tools in Imprudence continue to improve. Also the Imprudence site is doing a good job of listing the changes in each new release. Rather than repeat that information here I think I’ll just touch on the changes I find interesting.

The Imprudence Viewer download and information.  Continue reading

Ascent Viewer Released

Ascent Viewer

Ascent Viewer

A new release of this viewer comes out about once a week. The latest on the 13th. The download is about 44mb, so it is a larger than average viewer. The download is here: Download Ascent Viewer. The release notes are here: Ascent Viewer Release Notes.

The first couple of times I tried to start the viewer it crashed. Started opening then just vanished. I assume it was doing something with the cache that failed. Caches are problems for all the viewers. I have written lots of tips in other articles about problems that are solved by clearing the cache. Many can be prevented by creating separate caches for each viewer. So, I’m not surprised when a viewer crashes the first and second time it is started.  Continue reading

Information from Mesh Office Hours

Second Life Mesh News


Second Life Mesh

Editing SL Mesh


Updated 2010-10-17

Everyone has questions about the new meshes now in open beta. Yesterday the Lindens in Nyx’s office hours had a meeting and answered many of the questions asked. I’ve separated out the answers from the chatter and added embellishment where I can. I have also fixed some spelling and punctuation… and probably added my share of mistakes.

You can find the transcript here: Continue reading