Second Life: Mad Pea Unia Pictures

Unia is open and Hamlet tells us has gained 1,000+ players in its first month. Word is that it uses some of the new abilities provided by the Advanced Experience Tools. Sounds interesting. I’ll eventually make it there.

Until then I can look at the pictures people are taking and posting on sites:

Flickr: UNIA Images


UNIA is OPEN! by Kess Crystal, on Flickr


UNIA by Pippi Moonites, on Flickr

Facebook: UNIA PagePhotos

UNIA by MadPea – Second Life

Read what some of our survivors have got to say about UNIA: Nite Planer: ‘Awesome trilogy.. Stephen King would be…

Posted by Unia on Monday, May 4, 2015



Second Life’s MadPea UNIA

Bryn Oh has a short article up about MadPea’s UNIA opening the 27th of this month. See it here: MadPea’s UNIA.

The UNIA countdown clock is here: UNIA The Game. As of today, 4/20, we are 7 days out.

UNIA is a project MadPea started in 2012. It was planned to be an interactive, immersive game with 1st person shooter elements. The plan was to develop the game in stages, mostly due to the limitations of Second Life™, the game platform in this case.  Continue reading

Second Life: New MadPea Game

Kess Crystal of MadPea sent me an announcement about the new game they are proudly releasing: UNIA – Unleashing The Monster Within. Release date is April 20th. We have been hearing bits and pieces about this new game. Now it is almost here.

Kess writes that this game has been in production for 2+ years. Kess says this is the biggest, best, and most advanced game they have made. Kess describes the scale of the game as EPIC, in size and scope. I take it size includes play area.  Continue reading