Strawberry Singh has and article about new ‘makeover’ businesses appearing in SL, The Makeover Agency in Second Life. Hamlet Au has an article on how bad it is (in the classical sense of ‘bad’) that there are ‘makeover’ businesses in SL, Second Life Avatar Fashion So Confusing & Complicated There Are Professional Makeover Agencies.
iRL there are makeover businesses, promotions, and parties. iRL young people are taught how to dress and groom. With all the new tech there are possibilities our parents never thought of. My mom never wove lights into her hair… She never bought Halloween ‘cosmetics’, stage makeup, yes. Zombie cosmetics, no.
iRL part of the fun of being female is all the choices available in clothes and makeup. Choices to a bewildering level. And the rules of what actually works with what while often totally arbitrary are sacred and in some circles and must be broken in other circles with either likely to bring ridicule if improperly broken or followed. Continue reading