If you like looking at pictures of Second Life™ or making them or want to learn how to make them, Focus Magazine will likely be of interest. If you are posting SL images to Flickr then it is very likely of interest, as they have a group on Flickr named, I’m too sexy for this group. And a similar group name in SL, Too sexy for this group (SLURL).
It is a monthly magazine published in SL. You can also find it on the web at FOCUS Second Life. To subscribe to the in-world magazine join the SL group. Angela Thespian and PINK (PinkLady2) are the owners of the SL group. People are often posting links to Flickr images in the group’s chat.
The group is pretty active all week. It picks up on weekends.
If you want the current issue of the magazine, join the group and ask Angela to send you a copy.
The magazine has the events-schedule for the month, 2 or 3. This includes their photography classes.
They now have a gallery in-world, FOCUS Magazine building (Map URL). There are the gallery and classroom. It is a very modern gallery-feel build. Well done.
I encourage the Too Sexy people to join in the SL Form thread, How does your avatar look today? and vice-versa.
Thank you so much for the wonderful review!
Thanks for the magazine… 🙂