Project Bento Update Week 12

I made it to the Bento meeting. This was pretty much just a status update meeting. We did get word that a new version of the Project Bento Viewer will likely be out next week (13).

I still have trouble logging into ADITI. It takes 5+ minutes for me to get logged in. Others at the meeting tell me they too have the problem when they log into Last Location. So, I’ll be trying to log directly into the region by name. I’m told that works better.

The result is I missed the first 10 minutes or so of the meeting. Then the first 5 minutes or so of audio is missing. Because the viewer didn’t connect correctly. 🙁

4 thoughts on “Project Bento Update Week 12”

  1. This might be an odd question, but what do you use to control your camera? You float it around so smoothly.

    1. Not odd at all. I once was asking it.

      SpaceNavigator, 3D mouse. Love it. I switch between regular mouse and SN when filming. I use the mouse to move my avatar and SN to move the camera.

      eBay has SN’s for US$80+/-.

      1. Oh awesome. If I ever start doing more filming and such, maybe I’ll pick one up. It looks so fluid. Probably not as good for using when just looking around SL normally, I guess. But for recording, it seems awesome. Thanks for getting back to me.

        1. Some people do use it as their main mouse. I Alt-LMB on the standard mouse too often for it to work well for me…

          Thanks for commenting.

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