Servers – No roll to the main grid this week. Maybe next week. The three RC channels all got the same update, which is mostly the addition of; BUG-10575 Feature Request: llGetObjectDetails() constant OBJECT_TOTAL_INVENTORY_COUNT and BUG-10646 Feature Request: llGetObjectDetails() constant OBJECT_PRIM_COUNT.
Viewers – not much change but, some.
- Main: Second Life Viewer version as of 1/14 – 10:15 am – This was the Maintenance Viewer. Release Notes. Previously was the default that implemented CEF. This viewer is SLOW at resolving URL’s. The Lab is aware and working on it. There is also a double-click issue. I don’t understand what it is. Also some HTML drop downs don’t work. This are all minor issues most users will not see.
- RC: Second Life HTTP update Viewer version – Updated 1/14 to 309943
- RC: Second Life Maintenance Viewer version – Promoted to main
- RC: Second Life Quick Graphics Viewer version
- RC: Second Life Vivox Viewer version – as of 1/14 this has merged into another of the RC’s.
- Second Life Project Bento Viewer version
- Second Life Project Oculus Rift Viewer version
- Second Life Obsolete Platforms Viewer version
Largest Dinosaur – I track use of the words ‘Second Life’ on the web. But, lots of references appear that are not related to Second Life™. This is one of those: The Planet’s Largest Dinosaur is Getting a Second Life. No… it won’t be logging in and I am not sure that hanging out in a museum is a life.
Share a Valentine – No this isn’t about an open relationship. It is about getting promotional material for Second Life.
Blogging – Canary Beck has a good article up on SL Blogger Support: How to manage your discussion settings in WordPress.
Aspects of Composition
Prim Dolls is running a series of articles on artistic composition. The current one is Appropriation. It seems there are 86 aspects of a well composed picture. Deoridhe plans to do one a week…
In the current article artists like Sydney Black, Lyndzay Meili, Mafalda2 Diesel, Alisaundra Andel, and Laurence Simon (Crap Mariner) are shown as examples. Take a look at their collections of images on Flickr. Nice.
I really like Lyndzay’s image, left. The sexy girl and implied by shadow bugs just strikes a note with me.
Strawberry Singh has an article Love Lasts Forever. In it she talks about using a skin that shows some age. She, and I, believe it adds a sense of character. I hope I age well and some character shows.
I’ve considered adding age to my avatar, or an alt, just to play with the idea. Strawberry does ‘looks’ so well.
I am looking forward to the completion of Project Bento and the facial animations that will come after it goes mainstream. In Strawberry’s lens it should make for way interesting images.
From reading SLUniverse I learned the Firestorm Viewer has the ability to use the Free OpenSource Dyslexia Font – OpenDyslexic.
I think this is much under-promoted aspect of the Firestorm Viewer.
zOMG Hoax
I couldn’t find the corresponding news stories. But, they may be buried in all the other 700,000+ hits on the terms I used searching. So, did the media bite on this one? I don’t know but, I wouldn’t be surprised. …and look at the video. The splash image is NOT representative of the video that supposedly faked out the media.
While searching to see if there were news stories about the video I came across China’s Floating City. What Caused China’s ‘Floating City’ In The Sky?