Yeah… week 30. I wrote this a couple of weeks ago and it got lost. The information is still good, so today it gets published.
How Big is Wow
Massively Overpowered pointed me to a video showing how big World of Warcraft is.
Voicing Opinion
SL Blogger Support has an article about problems some bloggers are having. One is in regard to voicing opinions. Check out comments below the article: She’s mad as hell and she’s not going to take this anymore!
Fashion Design
Kustom9 is a fashion event in which 66 designers are participating.
Machinimatrix Offers to Promote Your Goods
Gaia Clary has an article up offering people space in the in-world JAZZ Shop to promote your avatar related products for free. Now that is an interesting offer. Get more details here: The Avastar Show room.