Second Life Bits 2014-40


There aren’t that many fashion blogs for guys. This one popped up in Plurk: Pixel Phashion 4 Men. Which it appears from time to time is definitely NSFW. I suppose that is one way to keep guys reading… For guys that want fashion news it is probably a good choice.

Bryn Oh LEA 9 - 2014

Bryn Oh LEA 9 – 2014

Jopsy’s Particle Laboratory

This is a famous place in Second Life. If you are wanting to learn about making particles, this is the place to check out. It changes from time to time and different example-devices are used. It also seems to always have the latest information on particles. Visit The Particle Laboratory

Odd Things

Wednesday my viewer went sort of nuts. Today it better.

Suddenly shoes I have worn for some time did not fit right. I had to knock the Hover setting up from 50 to 53 to get things to fit and not poke through the floor. My shoes seemed to be much higher on my leg than before. Sort of a leg-ankle and foot-ankle mismatch where the shoes were suddenly much farther up my leg.

Today when I logged in, the shoes I had been working with were way below my leg, a huge gap. Moving the Hover setting back to 50 and repositioning the shoes fixed things. I pretty much moved them to a position that had worked before Wednesday.

I had tried re-logging and changing viewers. My Firestorm and SL Viewers use separate caches. So, I’ll switch viewers rather than clear a cache, which these days clearing cache seldom fixes anything.

Strange things do happen. I am learning to not get too excited until I see a problem persist for more than 24 hours.


Exploring Second Life in Flickr’s pictures reveals some awesome artists… photographers… something. These are some of the people I think consistently turn out gorgeous pictures. Be careful as not all the images are safe for work.

Some of the art is promotional material. I think marketing art is still art. In some ways commercial art is more complex than fine art. I am not endorsing products here, in those that are promotional items I just like the art they use to promote their products. Nor are all the images great, but in general there is more good stuff than mediocre stuff.

To see what I am enjoying from Flickr’s massive collection see My Favorites. Not all are gorgeous art. Some are just interesting or evoke emotions.


I’m not big on reporting events. There are too many for me to cover well. So, those I find interesting for one reason or another are about the only ones I mention.

The Ice Bucket Fair  – This is a benefit for ALS. Medieval Fantasy stuff.

Bryn Oh LEA Exhibit – This is an interesting exhibit. Bryn has talent.

In this exhibit you have a chance to see past examples of his work that you may have missed. A collection of his videos showing his art is here. In the exhibit many of the things you can click on (titles) will take you to a video of the original exhibit.

If you can make it to the top of the boxes, I think you have done something. I kept falling and finally gave up. The entire exhibit is a puzzle of sorts. Navigating is trick. When you walk on walls it gets really confusing. Try mouse-look. I found that made it easier. Myst players will enjoy the exploration. Some people with little persistence will likely miss much of the exhibit.

At the end are a web link and a land mark to the current exhibit The Singularity of Kumiko.

RL Privacy

It is amazing how much freedom a supposed liberal government with a professed ideology of freedom and concern for the people is willing to take from us. Read: U.S. Law Enforcement Seeks to Halt Apple-Google Encryption of Mobile Data.

Quote: “Beyond lobbying the companies, there is little law enforcement can do without congressional action. Technology companies have stepped up efforts to shield customer data from hackers — and the government — after the NSA spy revelations and the recent theft of celebrity nude photos from Apple’s iCloud service.”

Who is going to win this debate? Unless you are writing, calling, and/or emailing your Congressional representatives, it won’t be the people.


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