Daniel Voyager has a post up listing the Second Life™ events happening in September. See: Second Life events happening during September 2014. Of course you realize these are only a few of the events that will happen this month.
Fabulously Free has a post listing the top 10 hunts going on today. See: Today’s Top 10 Hunts. Some of the hunts listed run all month.
One of the hunt information sites is HuntSL.com. The site lists hunts in progress and is updated often.
I saw an interesting bit pop in my reader. Seems the Second Life Wiki software is being updated. That will be nice. There is no info on when we may see the update.
I’ve mentioned that Geenz Spad is working on improving reflections in Second Life. We have some images of what is being done in STORM-2067 – Glossy Projectors.
Next week there will be no rollout to the main channel, as the RC channels are running the same page as the main channels this week (36). But the RC channels will get a new package. It’s more crash fixes and minor bug fixes.
CDN for Map Tiles
The Lab is moving ahead on a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for World Map images. Maestro Linden expects the system to move to the RC channels on the main grid very soon.
In some ways it is being used as a precursor to CDN for textures and meshes.
Some people in Japan are helping with the testing and find it ‘very fast’.
CDN Mesh & Texture
Maestro was telling us about throttles in the viewer and servers that limit the number of requests for mesh that a region server will handle. To respect that limit the viewer has built in limits so it does not exceed the server limit. It is something like 100 requests pre second.
When the requests are to a CDN server, there is no server side limit. So, a test viewer was made to remove the viewer throttle. The average rate requests are handled by it is 365 requests per second. That is more than 3 times faster.
We can expect that once the CDN system goes grid wide that the viewer side throttle will be removed, or at least set higher. It is theoretically possible to bury the viewer in download tasks at some point, meaning the viewer would be so busy dealing with downloads it could take time to render a scene.
Recent testing to a computer in Japan showed rates twice as fast with CDN as without.
There is a repository where this work is going on: Geenz-Viewer. If you are not a geek skip downloading this viewer. It is a work-in-progress.