Dxax announced in this show that this is the last live show of the first season. Shows will continue each Friday but, they will apparently be pre-recorded and are cued for the summer. Live shows will return mid August. We’ll have to see if they sound much different. I suspect the real difference will be a looser tie to current events.
Also, Drax and Jo are looking for funding. We can subscribe to the show for L$100/month (US$0.41 or about $0.10/show). The plan is a bit trick. To subscribe IM Drax and request a ‘subscription device’, in this case an on-air sign and microphone. They will apparently work like a land, house, or shop rental box. You pay the box. The on-air sign lights up. A month later it turns off and sends you a couple of notices presumably reminding you to pay the monthly support. The money raised will go toward supporting the show.
07:00 – The show turns to LEAP Motion Controller. More on that in another article. Suffice to say Drax’s interview reveals the advances LEAP is making.
10:00 – The show discusses the Prim Perfect show in which Jo, Lindens, and others discussed the new user experience. In this show you get Jo’s take on the meeting. I covered the Prim Perfect show in: Second Life Player Retention 2014-21.
While the Lindens did not reveal much about what they are doing or thinking about an improved new user experience, Jo has the idea they will move more of the new user to the web site. I’m not so sure. But, she points out that Ebbe recently ran into the new user experience and has vices some discontent with the process. So, it follows that priorities at the Lab would change.
18:00 – Jo is pointing out how the new avatars are already creating problems in 1920’s Berlin. This is a good analysis of the current problems with new users and the avatars.
20:00 – Drax and Jo suggest people contact the show with ideas for how the new user and avatar problem could be improved.
23:30 – The interview with Void Pointer, a Linden that worked on the Oculus Viewer, starts here.
35:30 – Drax mentions Loki Eliot’s mapping an XBOX controller to the SL Viewer.
36:00 – Voice to text, translation software…
A good interview with Catalyst Linden follows. Then Jo and Drax discuss some possibilities. But I’m out of writing time this morning. Check out the audio: Drax Files Radio Hour #21.