Second Life and RL Bits & Pieces

Myf - Does she look like an Adult or Child?
Myf – Does she look like an Adult or Child?

 I saw this in Second Life™ hunt and think it is hilarious: Battle of Boobs Hunt. I understand it just started and runs until March 20. Get more information here.

If you are into hunts, there are usually a bunch in progress. Fabulously Free in SL lists their top twn hunts: Today’s Top 10 Hunts. Also, if you like freebies, Fabulously is a great site. It selects the ‘good’ stuff to tell you about. This saves you going throw all the junky freebies.

Versu – Ciaran Laval has a speculation or two in Versu Should Get A Second Life. He wonders if it might be released to open source. 

Burn 2014
Burn 2014

Daniel Voyage is reporting on the selection of builders for Second Life’s Burn 2014. See: BURN2 2014 builders and artists have been selected. He includes a list of builders and artists.

Jo Yardley has upped her blogging and is quite prolific on the subject of Ebbe Altberg, Linden Lab’s new CEO. Today she has an article on his promise to speed up the Market Place, which has been incredibly slow over the last few days. See: Ebbe pledges to speed up Marketplace.

That leaves me wondering if we can get him to fix search…

Loki Eliot has a post up on New Babbage. He talks about his previous video (2008) on Babbage and has a new one. If you have never been to Babbage, you have to visit. It is one of the more interesting places in Second Life.

The video runs 5 minutes. It is a very interesting side-by-side comparison of 2008 and 2014. Loki has made a video that parallels the 2008 video with images of the same places in 2014. If you think nothing has changed in Second Life, take a look. We can see how mesh and materials are starting to change SL. Also how the render engine works now verses then is obvious.

If you’re wondering how much is computer/video card verse actual change in SL, you will have to read Loki’s comments about that in the post. I think a good part of it is Second Life. I remember changing from my GTX8800 to my GTX560. I was somewhat disappointed because there was no dramatic visual change. But, I can turn on more of the visual features with the 560.

See: A return to New Babbage – Comparing #SL 2008 – 2014.

I found an interesting thread on SLUniverse. It is reasonably positive for SLUniverse: Changing the polarity of your opinion. Desmond Shang made the opening post and set the ground rules and intent.

I’ll word it differently. I take my meaning Desmond’s OP from how people seem to be responding and paraphrase accordingly. But, please read the OP for yourself before posting.

The idea is to take your opinion of some negative aspect of Second Life and state in as few words as possible what it would take to change your opinion on that aspect to neutral. Then to go on to say what it would take to make your opinion on that aspect positive.

One has to somewhat guess at peoples’ negative opinions. But, ‘to nuetral’ and ‘to positive’ statements are interesting. Of course there are the usual clueless statements from the uninformed. But, the majority are knowledgeable and I found interesting.

The thread does not have many posts, yet. Post your opinions. Let others know about it. Tweet it to Ebbe.

Penny Patton has the first response and it is great. She includes building to scale and Avatar 2.0 among other things.

There is another thread I find interesting about avatar height and being to scale. So This is a Thing that Happened (avatar scale). Myf (avatar name) was asked to leave an area because she was perceived as being a child avatar. Check out her picture. I’ve included here. It is in her opening post.

The child-age-play is going to be an interesting thing for Ebbe to deal with as he tries to create an SL where adults and kids can mix. This problem reveals some of the drama and paranoia on the subject of child play.

There is a post on the SL Forum about the SL Market Place and Ebbe tweets back-and-forth on the subject. In the tweets Ebbe says something surprising, it is about whether the Market Place team had the opportunity to succeed… what does that mean? See: A Twitter Ebbe Toy Chat on Commerce Team.

The blog Swaggor has a post up on The Fantasy Collective. I love the picture Genie in a Bottle. The Collective is open and they apparently have a load of fun things to wear.


Get ready for an onslaught of Clime Change ads. It seems another big money Democrat is funding US$100 million in ads for the coming election cycle in the USA. Does anyone else wonder why big banking 1% peeps are funding Democrats? (Reference)

Weather is strange. “The winter of 2013-2014 is the 2nd snowiest winter ever and we still have a few weeks to go!” (Reference – NOAA, Weather History) Obama links drought in California to global warming, but can’t explain why the UN’s IPCC climate models predict global warming will make California wetter. (Reference)

Did you hear about Boston’s Children’s Hospital taking a child away from her parents? Get the details on the case. This is the story of misuse of our legal system and sheer insanity. (Reference) This case has a major implication for free speech. There is no jury trial pending or anticipated. The case is being heard by a judge. But, a gag order has been issued, apparently to protect the hospital and get the story out of the news. Some reporters are speculating this is solely about money.

The child was having issues but the parents having been through the same problems with a previous child were getting their daughter treatment that was known to work and which was prescribed by a reputable doctor. The health of the child has been deteriorating since the hospital and state have taken control of the child’s care.

You’ll have to read the coverage. You simply won’t believe these things could happen in a free society. This is a child that needs your help.

And have you heard about placebo surgery?

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