Today we did get a new nightly build of Blender. You can find the builds as 2.69.1 and the 2.7 test build. These are NOT the same files. One is 76k± and the other is 78k±. I know the 2.7 test build will not load the AvaStar 979 version. I also know it will not correctly export the SL Avatar. See the images.
I also downloaded the Feb 20 build blender-2.69-e7f3424-win64. It too will not install AvaStar 979. Bummer. But, it will install 978. It also does not have a Collada export that works correctly. You get the same skinny avatar mess.
Also, as I try various options in the plain Blender export, I find I am just crashing Blender. So, today is still not the day for Fitted Mesh.
What a downer. May be tomorrow…
Sorry for the confusion.
1.) Avastar is not related to the fix in Blender. they are completely different things and work independently from each other.
2.) the latest avastar testversion was broken during upload, i fixed that, now it should install fine on any recent version of Blender.
3.) If you want to use the Blender default exporter for fitted mesh, then please also download the fitted_mesh_270.blend You need special custom properties to get fitted mesh export to work properly. This is described in the blog page about the fitted mesh survival kit.
I hope that clarifies a bit. Sorry again for the misunderstanding.
I just now tried to upload the skeleton.female.dae file the came in the zip file provided by Linden Labs. It looks exactly like the one you uploaded Nalates. The male version seems to upload as expected. Maybe there’s an issue in the provided skeletons?
I also think there is a problem in the SL Wiki files. I hope to get to play with these files and the updates some more this weekend.