Torley Celebration

Daniel Voyager has a post up about a Torley Linden party to acknowledge Torley. See: Attend St. Torley’s Day 2012.

Torley Linden Rez-Day

We don’t see as much of Torley these days. When I started playing in Second Life™ in 2008 he was way more active making numerous video tutorials. I watched a load of them. His silly fun style is great. He is very much a part of SL’s history. His love of watermelon colors is well known.

I’m not sure Torley is a saint, but I think I understand why many would have that sentiment and it is all in fun.

Friendly greetings… and happy rez-day Torley! Thanks for your help and contributions.

Check out the announcement and story on Daniel’s blog.

2 thoughts on “Torley Celebration”

  1. He’s quite prolific on SLfeed doing a great job of showing us what could be seen if we had a computer capable of running super mega graphics settings

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