BUG-81 – add the number of groups you’re in to the bottom of the group list. I’m not sure that is the exact title, I can’t read the JIRA. Whatever, this is a feature in Marine Kelley’s RLViewer and is in a beta version of Dolphin 3. The code is being contributed to the SL Viewer project. So, we may see it in a future version of the SL Viewer.
It would be nice to have a count of the groups I’m in. Once upon a time we could click WATCH and follow progress on the JIRA item and hopefully give the Lab an idea of how many were interested in the feature.
BUG-59 – Add a GO TO LINE # to the script editor. (Not exact) This would add the ability to enter a line number and have the script editor scroll to that line. Could be handy. We’ll see it in Third Party Viewers and probably the SL Viewer.
The Retrained Love Viewer has features not included in the SL Viewer. These are features that in a technical sense allow a viewer to be programmed to accept instructions from another viewer or scripted object. There are a number of possible uses beyond dominate/submissive play.
The thought is that the ability to control a viewer would allow more gaming controls. The features have been excluded from the SL Release Viewers because most are felt to be too much of a security risk.
An Advanced Actor Actions API is proposed to solve the security issues. I don’t where this one is going. We know that Experience Permissions are in rework, after Griefer Monday. So, they may change how permissions work in a way that will make like an Actions API more acceptable.
STORM-1893: ‘share’ function (in friends-list) doesn’t bring up the residents’ IM window when it’s minimized. (Exact?) It seems a fix has been created and this is going into the SL Viewer. It still has to make it through QA.
STORM-1908 – Cannot put more than one item of certain kinds into a prim’s content. (Exact?) This is in process somewhere… This is a bug that snuck back into the viewer through a merge error. A patch is in place and coming to a viewer near you… well… I think this is a problem in only the Development versions of the viewer.
If you clicked WATCH in any JIRA items, you will still get an email when there is activity. But, now that only Lindens, Active Contributors, Support Helpers, and the one filing the item can comment that traffic is greatly reduced.
Also, the project stats for Project BUG are now personal. Only your filed bugs show up in the Project’s summary.

JIRA Project Stats
This function has new information. Previously the function and related function did not explain that LSO script time was affected by server performance, meaning that Time Dilation affected it.
The Mono script’s time functions key off the server’s real world clock. Mono script time is not affected by Time Dilation.
Script time is just the amount of time the script has been running. It is not wall clock time.
The Wiki has been updated with the new values now seen in Pathfinding viewers. The current Linden release viewer does not have them. The Beta and Dev viewers do. I expect the next version of the release viewer to have the Pathfinding Tools and these values in stats. Some new branching in the development paths will hopefully break PF free from the problems in other viewer changes. There is a memory leak that is causing problems in Beta and Dev versions.
The new values are:
- AI Step Time – The average time spent during each frame computing character AI events.
- Skipped Silhouette Steps – The number of steps that are skipped per second in computing the influence of objects of type Movable Obstacles on the navmesh. A high value here means that objects on the region are marked as Movable Obstacles and could be contributing to improper pathfinding behavior on the region. To lower this value, set all objects that do not move to either type Walkable or Static Obstacle, and optimize any Movable Obstacle shapes to meet the Good Building Practices Guide.
- Characters Updated – The average percentage of characters updated during each frame. A low value here means that character AI computations are taking too long during each frame, and thus some character updates are skipped during subsequent frames. This could be contributing to improper pathfinding behavior on the region. To increase this value, decrease the number of characters on the region, and optimize any Movable Obstacle shapes to meet the Good Building Practices Guide. Note that the Pathfinding Characters floater (described below) may also be used to determine which characters on the region are contributing the most to the region’s CPU time.
These are the odd bits and pieces of things happening here and there in Second Life.