Media Plugin Webkit Fail

Update: 2014-06 – WebKit remains a problem. For the latest information scroll to the bottom of a WebKit article and look for the tag WebKit (or click this link). Click it to f ind the latest articles. You may need to use your browsers ‘Find-in-Page’ search (usually Ctrl-F) to find the pertinent part of the article. – Apple seems to have abandoned QTWebKit. In general the world is moving to Chrome Embedded Framework (CEF) as a better HTML5 type replacement.

Update: 2011-08-25 – Be sure you read the comments. Additional recent fixes have been added by others.

Update: 2010-07-23 – The new SL 2.1 viewer is causing people problems. It is an old error coming up again. There are several threads popping up on the SL forums. See: (Second Life WebKit Fail / Error – Problem Again) – One new solution is from Jesica (see comments), which is to find slplugin in the SL install folder, right-click for properties, and set it to Win95 compatibility mode.

Update: 2010-06-17 – With the release of Emerald Viewer version 2165 several people are running into this or a similar issue again. Those not having a problem installed to a new directory/folder rather installing over the top of the previous install. Others have copied the WebKit files from Snowglobe to fix the problem. Others just added slplugin to there anti-virus/firewall white list. In my version 2100 MOAP (Media On A Prim) isn’t working otherwise the viewer is fine. More to follow once I upgrade my viewer, watch for a 2165 review update.

Original Post

A new problem with the Second Life 2.0 Beta Viewer and viewers based on the new viewer software. People are getting a popup error when starting the viewers. Some think it is the firewall, doesn’t seem to be. Somethink it is the anti-virus software, doesn’t seem to be. But, I have yet to find a solution.

Second Life Viewer 2.0 Beta

Plugin “media_plugin_webkit” has failed

JIRA VWR-17087 – Plugin “media_plugin_webkit” has failed

JIRA VWR-17139 – Windows 7 With flash installed via mozilla auto discovery plugin fails to register in SL’s llMediaPluginPossible Solution for Windows 7 – The install of Adobe’s Flash 10 did not resolve the error for me.

Snowglobe users ran into this problem in October 2009… Its back…

The recent viewer update did not resolve the problem…


I added slplugin.exe to my Windows Firewall and told my anti-virus it is an exception. I checked my computer for older versions of slplugin.exe and replaced all the older versions with a copy of the latest. I rebooted the computer after the changes. After the restart the SL2.0 Beta viewer started without the error.

For now that appears to be the solution.

69 thoughts on “Media Plugin Webkit Fail

  1. I have the same error with the plugin failing however I’m on a mac and the solution won’t help seeing we can’t use exe files. Is there anyone who can point me to the apple or linux plugin and a suggestion on how to place it in the correct area. Due to missing the plugin, I’m unable to use SL search including people.

    • I get this message every time I log in to SL on my Mac but on the Phoenix viewer. However I have never noticed any problems caused by it. I have no problem using search for people or any other category.

      Are you using the SL viewer? – if so, why not try Phoenix (like SL viewer 1) or Firestorm (like SL viewer 2).

  2. I am not an expert in computer softer, I am an user. I searched the names (webkit and others) with Google in my desktop and did not find. Who can help me?

    • I am not sure what you are expecting WebKit to be. It is included in the SL Viewer. An old description of it is here: WebKit Meta: A new standard for in-game web content

      In the early version of the SL Viewer 2.0 there were some problems with WebKit as it was used within the SL viewer. That has been corrected. If you are having problems, download a new copy of the latest SL viewer.

      Almost all the problems I saw reported were from various firewalls and anti-virus programs blocking WebKit when it ran from within the viewer. Changing the anti-virus settings corrects the problems. Here is some information on the problem: Secondlife webkit plugin crashes because of WebGuard

  3. Pingback: Emerald Viewer Build 2165 « Nalates’ Things & Stuff Blog

  4. I am using Emerald 2270 (Beta) and this is happening, where would the proper patch be for emerald viewer?

  5. I have searched my PC for slplugin.exe, none found. I have tried to add as exception to firewall and antivirus, have to pick from a list of programs, can’t type it in anywhere that I can find. I am running viewer 2, but quicktime has not worked in SL for me for quite some time now. Where do I go to download slplugin.exe?

    • I suggest you try to fix the QuickTime problem as a separate issue.

      Look to see if you can see other files ending in EXE. If not, change your Explorer options and look again.

      You can try downloading and installing Snowglobe. Or reinstall Viewer 2. Both come with the plugin. Also, the Kirsten 20 viewer has a copy of slplugin.exe. My last install of the Kirsten viewer installed a version dated 6/27 and 160,840bytes . There is no version number found in the file itself.

      My current SL 2 Viewer has it as 4/21 and 159,744bytes and no version number.

      Emerald does not yet have MOAP working yet, so skip any slplugin you find in that install.

      The Hippo and Imprudence viewers don’t have it, as far as I can tell.

      Update: the new SL 2.1 July release has a fix for some of the webkit errors.

  6. Pingback: Second Life WebKit Fail / Error – Problem Again « Nalates' Things & Stuff Blog

  7. hey I have the fix!!! Just right click on the slplugin and go to properties and click run in compatible with win 95! i couldnt believe it worked i usually never find out the fixes to these things!! you have no idea how proud i am of myself!!! hope this helps someone!!

    • OMG, Jesica…you are a genius! I did what you said by changing it to be compatible with win 95. It works!

      Thank you very much!

      Mocha =^.^=

    • JESICA you are great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      it works, thanks
      p.s. how have you found this solution ???

    • jesica – you’re a star! It’s so good to find someone who knows about computers and can speak user’s language! xx

    • Holy cow, I’d given up on web on a prim on XP64 until I found this.
      I should have thought of it sooned.
      Cheers chuck!

    • Super solution jessica, did what you said, but as i am using windows 7 i klicked run in compatible with vista service pack 1!
      Everything is running perfekt now and no media_plugin_webkit fail warning,
      ITS GONE. LUV Ya thanks

    • OMG!!! You are great Jessica, I changed it like you said I have no more problem…Thanks a million 😀

  8. I had just finished speaking with online support. They were completely baffled by the problem (or at least acted as though they were). They felt it must be a problem with my virus protection.

    Then I found this thread with Jessica’s Solution! It works!

    Many, many thanks!

    Wolff Bikcin

  9. OK, I tried Jessica’s fix. I updated SL viewer 2, I still get the error. MY OS is Vista. Is anyone else out there that is running Vista get that to work?

    Maybe I have some settings in SL media set up wrong on the land.

  10. I’ve not encountered the streaming errors, JVonD (at least not yet). Victory, be sure you’re altering the right copy of slplugin.exe, if you have multiple viewers on your computer.

    I’ve just spent an hour tracking down any new posts on this problem (SL blogs, independent forums, etc), and while many users appear to be having this problem, I don’t see anything other than the standard reinstall, clean-up, etc etc etc that’s working for anyone.

  11. Will uninstall all but the new viewer 2 and try again. Was unable to find the slplugin.exe in the older viewer. Couldn’t even open the file to look for the folder, it kept trying to reinstall the viewer.

  12. Has anyone out there using the Vista OS fixed this problem?

    How do you find the slplugin.exe in Vista to set it Win 95 compatibility?

  13. So I have no idea why this worked, but Jesica’s fix worked perfectly. No more problems with it at all!

    Thanks so much. 🙂

  14. Returned to SL for a visit after 18 months in Blue Mars. Was told I had to download the new viewer 2. Did that, and got this media error when the Viewer booted up. I have XP.

    a) Tried Compatibility mode for Win 95, no change
    b) Tried reinstalling, no change
    c) Tried upgrading to latest Flash Player, no change
    d) Tried adding exception to my AVG antivirus, no change
    e) Tried switching off my antivirus, no change
    f) Tried switching off my Firewall, no change
    g) Now I remember why I left SL for Blue Mars. Constant bugs and problems, no change


    • same here…win 7 n tried everything..installed and tried every single viewer I could find, too, and the old imprudence 1.4.0 beta sse2 worked a few days before the same message on the webkit popped up and any clicks on my screen anywhere then turned my screen transluscent white …froze up totally…egads may try blue moon or whatever it is lolol

    • I Use windows 7 64 bit
      Your solution works there but dont use the windows 95

      run in compatible with vista service pack 1!

      i did and have had no problems since then, no fail warnings and no side effects. if i get any i will post

  15. Yeah, I have tried everything and nothing has worked. So I have completely unintalled Quicktime, no longer have it on my laptop at all for now. Have gone back to the old viewer, no more laggy motion. I also wanted to try Blue Mars, but my system doesn’t have enough GB. I’ll be sure to get enough when I upgrade my system.

  16. yay! @ Jesica – that worked beautifully, I found your comment after an hour of frustration and uninstalling and reinstalling. Big cheers to you!


  17. Was pleased to see so many other people have same problem was beginning to think I was going nuts. Have tried un-installing and reinstalling programs all sorts of things without any luck. Tried the change the plugin to windows 95 compatibly and still having problems, not much good when your a club owner and a DJ so wish SL would sort themselves out it all used to work fine. Anyone out there got any other ideas am using Vista Premium Second Life 1.23.5 (136262) Oct 14 2009 12:08:26 (Second Life Release)latest versions of quicktime and winamp and shoutcast plugin . Please is there anyone out there can help. I get the same problem in all viewers and have tried Snowglobe, Phoenix and several other and removed them all along with any temp files.

  18. Excellent – normally I read through forums and the solutions don’t work – but this did! Thank you Jessica 🙂

  19. Thank you Jessica … I just tried your fix to the media plugin error message and it worked for me too !!! Thank you !

  20. The latest upgrade to the Emergence viewer appears to have corrected this problem. The problem was noted in their service files and scheduled for correction in this latest version. Hopefully SL 2.1 and Phoenix will take note.

  21. More good news! The problem appears to have been corrected in the latest upgrade to Phoenix for Windows (Ver. 1.5.2[818]). Checking Win 95 compatibility on slplugin.exe is no longer necessary. Searches work fine, as does streaming video and audio, at least on my machine. And a real fix is always better than a “work-around.”

    If you’re not familiar with Phoenix or other alternative viewers, check out Second Life’s Third Party Viewer Directory:

    Happy Holidays, all!

  22. JESSICA YOU R THE BEST!!!!!! I have been working on this problem for like 11 hours. I have been trying to reach tech support with no success. You are heaven sent. I LOVE YOU!!!!! WOW I must have downloaded every plugin and its mother lol. SL should give you some kind of prise for this. SL GIVE HER SOMETHING!! ANd get some kind of TECH support number on your website. AHHHHH I am sooooo HAPPY thanks Jess!!!!!:)

  23. There’s a permission problem on that file for Mac OS X. Make it world readable and everything works:

    chmod 755 /Applications/Second\ Life\ Viewer\

  24. I have had this problem for just over 3 months now. I tried setting compatibility, i tried turning off firewalls and virus scanners. Turns out with a fresh install of windows, no virus protection no firewalls, I still had the problem.

    I started having some NIC issues over the last couple of days and decided to reinstall the NIC drivers and software.

    To my amazement I found the my NIC had installed its own versions of all of the QT files. And all network traffic that used QT first had to be processed by the NIC.

    So I got rid of all the drivers for the NIC and cleaned it up nicely. I still got media fail.

    I uninstalled ALL clients from my computer. Reinstalled my NIC card. And then Installed Phoenix Viewer. Still media fail.

    I then copied all of the QT files from my NIC to Phoenix. And again media fail.

    Then in one last hopeless attempt I reinstalled Phoenix yet again clean install.

    And it registered that the files in the NIC were the ones to use and Media began working.

    I have a Bigfoot Networks Xeno Pro. I do not know if other NIC companies install QT files or not, But for those of you who are having media fail without a relation to compatibility or virus and firewall protection, I would suggest looking into your NIC. or any other hardware you have installed. The software it uses may have installed a different version of QT.

    And if you use Bigfoot like I do. Removal is a PITA. You will have to reboot a dozen times and use safemode ALOT to remove it. And its files are buried in a million different places all over your computer.

    I hope this helps someone. I was stranded on 1.23 clients to view media for the last few months.

    Damian Darkwyr

  25. hiiiii
    i did the same thing u guys did but still didn’t work, i also installed the new version of flash player and quick time player

    can anybody help me ???
    Hope someone replies ASAP

    Thanks : )

  26. nop doesn’t work bro
    seems like i can’t play second life at all
    anyways thanks all for ur help

    I changed “User Account Control Settings” in Windows 7 to “Never Notify” about changes made to my computer. (That’s in the Control Panel under User Account advanced settings)
    After I changed this setting to Never Notify, I could then enter into viewer 2 witthout getting the media plugin webkit error. I could open and use search perfectly and view profiles 🙂
    The way I found it was when i was in the phoenix viewer, the user account control message would pop up and ask me if this program had permission to open every time i opened search or a profile…. so annoyed with that, I turned the user account control settings down,.. this didn’t help so i turned them off. … and… ummmm that fixed EVERYTHING ….. the media pluging webit error message never appeared again :))) …

    • That fix opens the computer to additional risks. It also indicates you have the permissions on the viewer program folder mis-configured. I know your fix works. As long as you accept the risks it is a viable solution.

  28. i have a mac and ive hade the same problem. ive tried updating quicktime, flash player and safari and nothing is working.

    please someone help.

  29. i have a mac and i cant get second life to work, because of Media plugin webkit.
    can anyone please tell me how to do it on a mac

    • If none of the fixes here are working for you, search through SLUniverse and then ask for help there. I’m not a Mac user, so I can’t be much help.

  30. Just to pass along an additional cause…
    If you are running Bigfoot Network’s gaming network cards, such as the Killer or Xeno series, Second Life 2 will generate this error on startup.

  31. Oh and to follow up on my tool, as indicated in the SL forums, unmapping the LSP will work. You can do that like this:
    cd c:\Program Files\Bigfoot Networks\Killer Network Manager
    KillerTool -unmap-lsp

    After you’re done, you can re-enable the killer tools like so:
    killertool -map-lsp

    Note: you’ll get a UAC “hey, can I do this” message, but SL2 appears to work correctly afterwards… well, if what SL2 does can be considered workign correctly any of the time anyway.

    • Update:
      I have windows 7, Bigfoot networks killer network manager and the fix above works for me, Thanks! Except they changed the command order and I don’t use the path name. This is how I did it:

      Find the “run” program. [click windows start button, in the search box type “run”, at the top click “run” from the “program(1) run”]

      type “killerTool -lsp-unmap” in the run box. Then SL viewer works without the error.

      to enable KillerTool type “killerTool -lsp-map”.

  32. I downloaded SecondLife and when I try clicking any of the buttons (Destination, My Avatar, and Profile) nothing comes up. I’m literally stuck at the Welcome Island. Can’t leave. How can I get the buttons to work?
    It said media_plugin_webkit but when I tried to change the slplugin, it the buttons didn’t show. Help? Thank you.

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