Second Life Profile Cards/Badges

My Community Badge March 2015

My Community Badge March 2015

Also know as: Second Life Community Badges

Four years ago to the day, 3/3/2011, I posted about how to make a Second Life Forum Community Badge. The badges are, of course, shown in the Second Life Forum. See the example image.

The alternative is to show just the avatar profile picture.

At the time there was a problem and four years later it is still here. We probably need to file a new JIRA. Whatever, the problem only appears of you select one of the default ‘profile cards’ to use.  There is no way to unselect using a card after that. You are doomed for life.  Continue reading

New SL Community Badges

Second Life

Combined AV Pic & Badge – #1

Update: As of March 2015 this article is still accurate.

Now that the new community blogrums are open people are exploring the settings and tools in the new system. Seems there are some gotcha’s you’ll want to avoid. Making your avatar image or badge has some dandy gotchas. Hopefully this tutorial will help you avoid them.

Second Life

My Avatar Pic Only – #2

Yesterday I provided a link to Torley’s Welcome to a new Community System video tutorial. At about minute 5 in he explains how to add your avatar picture to the blogs/forum. I uploaded a couple of images and using Torley’s instructions got the images uploaded and one set as my Avatar picture. My 150×150 px image appears as a 36×36 px image in the forum. Phfffffpt! Not really what I wanted. See image #2.

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