#SL Best Practices

Jeremy Linden has been working on the Second Life(TM) wiki, the Best Practices for building, mesh, animation, and more. Check out the main page: Good Building Practices.


Revised Wiki Page

This page covers all the aspects of building or making just about anything in Second Life. If you are building with mesh, check this out. It covers several aspects of reducing Land Impact costs.

I would say the place is being spruced up for the coming entry into Steam. Whatever, it is nice to the wiki updating.

#SL ROKURO (lathe) for Windows & Mac

Yuzuru Jewell has released a new version of Rokuro (4.2.0), a program for making sculpties maps and Collada files. In this release being able to save as a Collada file is a new feature. Use the Collada file for import to Second Life™ as a mesh. You can still make sculpties.

Rokuro 4.2 – Easy to Use

Download Rokuro

Continue reading #SL ROKURO (lathe) for Windows & Mac

#SL Pathfinding News Wk16

We have lots of new information on Pathfinding.

This week saw the first Second Life® PUG meeting: Pathfinding User Group. This is a group lead by Falcon and Lorca Linden. It is to be held each week in PATHTEST1, ADITI. The meeting starts at 4 PM SLT/PDT. All those interested in Pathfinding are welcome.

First PUG Meeting

There is no in-world Pathfinding group for chat and drama. The meeting is not yet listed on the User Group page.

Continue reading #SL Pathfinding News Wk16

New Sculpty Tutorials

Gaia Clary is updating the sculpty tutorials on Machinimatrix.org. The original tutorials were made using mostly Blender 2.49b. Now that Blender 2.57b is out and in popular use the need for new tutorials is growing. The way things are done in 2.49 and 2.57 are different. So, one can’t transfer a process from one to the other.

The first video tutorial in a series came out June 1. You can see it here: Basics about Sculpted Prims

Blender 2.57 Sculpty Tutorial
New Sculpty Tutorial for Second Life

Continue reading New Sculpty Tutorials

Blender Update Week 11

The current stable release of Blender remains 2.49b. In Second Life two of the main sculpty tools use Blender: Primstar and JASS2. Both of those still use Blender 2.49b. However, the beta versions of Blender 2.5 are becoming popular with those working with mesh in Second Life. The reason for that is the Collada Export/Import features in Blender 2.56a have more fixes. The Collada features have just been updated again and this week more work will be done on Collada.

If you are finding problems with your Second Life Mesh Imports because of Collada bugs, get over to Letwory Interactive and the Blender 2.5 Tracker and let them know.

Continue reading Blender Update Week 11

Second Life Scripting Changes

Second Life residents can check out the discussion that started 12/11 on the SL blogs; To All Merchants Selling Scripted Objects – MUST READ!

Massively has a quick summary here; Long-delayed Second Life script-limitations back in the public eye

There will be lots of misinformation in the SL discussion. There always is. But, I suspect the Lindens will chime in from time to time to correct it. Avoid being reactive.

If you sell scripted products in SL, this is likely to be a problem for you.  If you use scripted objects, think adjustable hair, you may also have a problem.

What we know for sure is a new geeky addition s being added to the viewer so one can know what resources a script is using. We also know the Lindens will be imposing script limits. Depending on what the limits are, this may be a small or gigantic problem. In cases where scripts exceed the limit they won’t rez. In cases where LL does not like the script, they will return it.

So, it could be a mess.