Convrge – Social VR

The Road to VR has an article about Convrge. Convrge is a social VR platform for the Oculus Rift. They have pictures of the world being built. It looks like Minecraft with triangles. It is promoted as a low-poly, high performance virtual world.

The avatars are a bit weird. At this point it is hard to know what they intend to build, witout digging deeper, no time for that. See: YouTube.

Interestingly the world can be streamed to a browser. That probably isn’t the Oculus image/view that gets streamed, but I’m guessing.

The big NEW THING is a 2D movie screen in a 3D world… uuuh, OK… I’m not excited… From what I am reading it looks like the developers plan to build the world and users create the events.

A Strangeling in Second Life

Strawberry Singh  has a post about a new game, Strangelings, expected to be out the first quarter of 2013. She says the Ozimals team has joined up with two former Lindens and a financial expert to form Flying Monkey Interactive, Inc. The team is developing a product platform called Toto that will run on iPad, the web, iPhone, and Facebook.

Strawberry Singh as a Strangeling

The Magic of Oz region has been remade to create a promotional and information spot in Second Life. It is an all mesh area. Check it out. Also bounce over to Strawberry’s blog and see the video she made. It shows the Strangling in all is awesome cutness: Strangelings & Mesh Oz!  Continue reading

Second Life Viewer Comparison

Most viewer reviews are written for those using Second Life®. However, more grids are opening. For the people using alternate grids there is another blog looking at viewers: Excelsior Station. The author, Sarge Misfit, does a Second Life® style VIEWERS COMPARISON. SL users will gain some benefit from the comparison,

The most recent comparison is dated May 3, 2012.

Viewer Comparisons

The comparison is a cross between a viewer list and a feature comparison. One of the valuable points in the comparison is whether the viewer is multi-grid ready, does it have a grid manager, handy comparison point.

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New Browser Based Worlds

New Virtual Worlds - Jibe

New Virtual Worlds - Jibe via Reaction Grid - Browser Based

In October and November (2010) Second Life was testing browser based viewers… or saying, replacing the viewer with your browser, may be more accurate. See: Second Life in a Browser. Today New World Notes has an article (Jibe, a Unity/Web-Based Virtual World from ReactionGrid) about another Linden Lab alumni opening a new virtual world. This world is a Reaction Grid world and uses a browser in place of the specialized viewer we normally use.

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EVE Avatars

I have friends that play in EVE Online. I haven’t kept up with the goings on there. One of the things I’ve missed is what EVE is doing with their avatars. I am impressed with what they have done. They are definitely ahead of Second Life in regard to avatar realism.

If you’re curious of what is now possible in EVE see GoSpeed Racer’s article: Meet GoSpeed the Capsuleer. Now in Hi Rez.

EVE Online Avatar

EVE Online Avatar - Image by GoSpeed Racer

I’m a little jealous. I am hoping to see skin design in SL change. New types of skin and make up are now possible. I am not finding skin designers taking advantage of the new possibilities, yet. Whether they do or not, we won’t have EVE quality avatars any time soon.