Inara at Living in a Modem World and I, here, review viewers as do several others. There are more viewers than any of us can keep up with. I get to viewers as my curiosity moves me and as time is available. There is no single viewer that provides for all my needs. But, knowing which viewer has what features and being able to make a quick selection is a near impossibility. One has to read a load of reviews to decide. There is some help for that problem.
Atrebor Zenovka or Beach, as he is generally called, has made a comparison sheet. You can find it here: Viewer Comparison. It takes a little figuring out. You can find Beach’s Lake Bottom Lab blog here. (Note: the background on the blog is an image taken in Myst Online Uru Live.)
Best Viewer
The best viewer is a mythical creature like a unicorn. Also, the viewers are changing so fast, one can’t keep up. A chart like Beach’s becomes a major effort.
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