Second Life: The Ghost Town

The Ghost Town is a free-to-play MadPea game. Canary Beck is writing about it. See: Merchants: A chance to get out in front of new Second Life residents, which is a comment on marketing.

MadPea needs merchants to provide prizes… gifts… for a hunt that is part of the game. For details see Canary’s article.

…and this video has nothing to do with anything, I just thought it was neat.


Canary also has an article on body shape, men’s and women’s. How men and women draw up the “perfect body” in Second Life. Interesting. 

Ebbe Interview

A short 5 minutes video shows a Bloomberg  bit for investors on what the timeline for VR will be. See: How to Find Realistic Timeline for Virtual Reality. Not anything there we don’t already know. An interesting point is asked about whether cheap gear like Cardboard will dominate.

I came across the video on Daniel Voyager’s blog.

Not So Interested

Hamlet points us to his survey of virtual world users and their lack of interest in VR… See: In Survey of Virtual World Consumers, 60% Express Skepticism or Indifference to Buying VR Headset.

Obviously discussions of the possible success of VR and people’s interest  in it are debatable.


Jo Jardley is on about the return of Qarl Fizz… I assume she means return to Drax’s and her Radio Hour. You may remember that Qarl was the one behind SL Sculpties and after leaving the Lab wrote the code for the Mesh Deformer, which was dumped for Fitted Mesh.

Seems they are talking about pikazo… a US$3 app that… paints… enhances… something images. You’ll have to see the results that come out of it to understand. You can join a debate on whether the neural network is creating art or not.

See: show #98: qarl is back!






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