AvaStar 1.2 is out and now Gaia has published an article on what they will be doing now. See: Remarks from the Creators. The interesting take away is that the tutorial videos will be getting updated now that the product has stabilized.
Images from Second Life
This week has seen some articles on creating great images using Second Life. New World notes has: Top Four Tips for Flawless, Photoshop-Free SL Snapshots, Family Portraits: This Second Life Photographer Has a Knack for Taking Snapshots of Domestic Bliss, and How to Turn SL-Based Images Into Visual Art. There are others that have commented on the aspects of what makes great images and art.
The Internet has a ton of image composition tutorials. Google Image Composition.
Content Delivery Network, the new process for delivering SL content, is moving forward. Today, Monday (10/6), the Lindens will be looking at data on how well CDN was working for the 273 regions in AGNI now using CDN.
Just a few days before only 28 regions were in the Snack server channel. So, this is almost a 10 fold increase in regions in just a couple of days.
Group Chat
A new problem came up with Group Chat. This is the out of ports problem. The Lindens currently think port scanning was causing the problem. They are unclear on whether it was malicious or ignorant. But, they have deployed what they think is a fix. So, far it seems to be working. This means they can return to the task of fixing chat lag.
The fix has been rolling out slowly. Oz thinks all the chat servers will have port fix by end of day today.