Yesterday the Lab posted that Second Life™ is now available on Desura. If you remember Desura is a game distribution company pretty much like Valve’s Steam. Linden Lab announced the acquisition of Desura in early July of this year. (Announcement)

Second Life on Desura’s Home Page

Second Life’s Desura Page
Desure is known for being a distribution channel for independent game makers and people making game mod packages. If you visit the site and click the Second Life icon then check out the comments, you’ll quickly find that many of the 45 comments (as I write this) are from people ignorant of what SL is. So, it is unclear what adding SL to Desura is going to accomplish. But, it will give it some more exposure. I still hope to see SL come out on Steam and possibly develop a version for Valve’s rumored game machine.
The comments are dominated by the ignorant complaining about what a dumb game SL is and there being nothing to do. Well, DUH! However, the reviews are a step up. If you want to help promote SL, add your review and possibly a comment.
Joining Desure is free.