RL is keeping me busy this week. I am mostly skimming head lines to see what is going on in Second Life™. That results in short notes on things.
Win Alienware
The Lab is doing a thing with Dell Computers. You have a chance to win a free laptop. If you don’t know Alienware is a company owned by Dell that makes gaming machines. I think they are expensive for what you get, but they are good machines. So… check out the announcement and see if you can win a free one.
SL Voice Chat Problem
Seems a number of people are running into a problem with voice chat. BUG-2922 – Voice keeps going in and out. Description: Login and have no voice chat. Visit Echo Canyon and voice comes back. A few teleports later, voice drops out. Occasional notice that voice cannot connect with server.
If you run into this problem, file a JIRA and refer to BUG-2922.
OpenSim Growth?
There is an ongoing thing between OpenSim users and Second Life. This is a very nebulous thing when it comes to what Second Life thing users in OpenSim worlds are talking about. You can find lots of SL hate in OpenSim. Lots of rage quitters from SL are there.
I’m not saying everyone or even the majority of OpenSim users are haters. But, I do think a significant number of OpenSim users have an attitude toward, which is OK. Another large group, of which I’m a part, are there because of the cost of land ownership between SL and OS. Whatever, there is a bit of a ‘tude from OS toward SL.
The recent article on OpenSim regions exceeding the region count in SL is a big thing in many quarters. It is also a bit of spin. Hamlet is putting things back in perspective with his article: OpenSim Still Shows Little Meaningful User Growth.
What Happened to SL?
The BBC has an article out that is sort of about SL: Whatever happened to Second Life? Ciaran Laval has a write up about it. See: Whatever Happened to SL? Not overly flattering.
This gives you an idea of the quality of the press these days.
Ciaran also has some nice coverage of SL10B.
Massive Growth
Gwyneth Llewelyn has an interesting comment about the recent SL Info Graphic with SL stats. See: Infographic: 10 Years of Second Life. This is related to Ciaran’s post.
This is the shortest post I’ve ever seen Gwyneth make.
Jo Yardley
Jo has a post along the same line as Gwyneth’s. See: 10 years of Second Life, facts and figures.
I think her series of posts on Oculus Rift reveals the possibility for huge growth in SL.
They may hate SL, but it’s still ironic that they’re using their tech… and suffer on their own bugs problems far worst.